2010 has been an interesting year for me. Elijah turned 1, said good bye to old friends and hello to new friends, went to Asia for 2 weeks and Las Vegas with the family, got my 1st rose from Stephen, spent time with my family in Texas, and spent Christmas with Stephen and watch him graduate from his school. Kids i watch have grown so much and their personalities are growing stronger. Jameson started Preschool, and Delaney started Kidengarden. It has been 2 whole years i've worked with this family and am now working on my 3rd year. I feel so much apart of the family. I have babysat alot of kids throughout the year. My grandpa died and my older brother got engaged to a friend of mine. I also turned a year older {shocker i know} and am now 1/2 of 50... old enough to eat ice-cream backwards. J/K. Started a new journal for Elijah... i wonder how many journals i'll have by the time i give them to him.

It is indeed now a brand new year.. new trails, new pathways, new hard times, new friends, new challenges, new storms, new sunlight, new blessings, new outlook, and a new journey.

Christmas was a HUGE blast.. got to spent 2 weeks with Stephen. He had to go to school and then work for most of it- but over all.. it was great! We went to watch Tron with a co-worker of his, and we ate out a few times and went to church. We spent Christmas weekend at his dad's. Christmas day we went to Nanci {step mom}'s mom's house and hanged out there. A friend of the family hanged out with us the next day for a while. Talked Stephen into staying so i can do the dishes before we left {he is a sweetie- he helped me out}. Stephen got me a Heart-locket neckless {has my name on front and "I Love You always and forever" on the back} and a box {with my fav. verse on top}. Nanci and Lonnie got me a snowflake neckless/ear rings, cheap things from the $1 store, and P.Js. They are awesome. I didn't want to leave Stephen at all.

I love his company and love spending time with him. I enjoyed traveling with Stephen.. it's a 2hour drive to his dad's.

It is very sweet seeing how the kids are bonding more rather than fighting {yeah they do fight, but they will protect each other}. Delaney is now hugging a bit more. Very sweet. I do love working with these kids.. even when Jameson is screaming his head off over. He surely is 3 years old! Wow- he's going to be 4 this year-- crazzie!!

A good friend of mine recently died from lung/kidney cancer. One of her many Doctors is indeed my boss {the dad of the kids i watch}. She was a very sweet lady and i enjoyed being around her. She told me a few times how much i encouraged her to keep going strong for the Lord and how she loves my smiles. I surely will miss her tons, but i know that i will see her again someday. I am praying for her family and asking the Lord to work in their lives and change their heart- they need Him too.

Last week Jameson and I went to hang out at the waffle shop while Delaney was in school. friend of a friend of mine wanted to meet up- so we did. Scott, Halie, and Leah.. Halie's sister lives here and so she is thinking about moving up here. So they were checking it out here and wanted to meet some people about their age {and i am indeed about their age..23-26}. Took Jameson to open up- but at the end he was warmed up and willing to play. Scott helped Jameson jump higher, and Halie wanted a nice pic of them together. Pretty cute pic!! I can't wait to get to know Halie more and be able to hang out with someone older than 5. *grins*

Well.. i am looking forward to this brand new year. Katie is moving to Asia for a few years, her mom is now engaged and thinking about a March or June Wedding, Jayme is getting married on Friday 13th of May, and Stephen might be moving up here to Alaska. My friend Rekann is thinking about moving here in 2012 and surely can't wait. I hope that i can really help my friend through a situation that i had went through myself and just remind her that God TRULY Loves her.
How was your 2010? Was is great? bad? challenging? rewarding? :D