My life surely has changed over these past few years. I had a baby that I gave away, and was able to see him when he was 2 1/2 years old. I watched 2 kids grow up and change within 3 1/2 years. I've walked on Ice and came close to the Glacier, I've walked in the Glacier cold water, I've road on a Ferry for the 1st time, and flew 1st class. I've been to Disney World, GA, CA, TX, China, MI and Tenekee. I saw 2 other Glaciers, watched a bunch of Whales and Sea-Lions n Otters, saw bears, and see tons of Eagles. I even climbed up a mountian. My Picture taking skills have gotten better, and my Scrapbooking skills have improved far greater than I ever could've thought. I even got my purple bedroom, and my own apartment {granted, it's with the family- but it's more than I expected}.
I could have never come this far if it wasn't for God. He truly had directed me and helped me through life. And to think, I had came close one time to killing myself. I would've missed out on all of this and missed out on helping people. I've been asked to speak at a Woman's Meeting about my story of Adoption. There will be some teenage girls there who are considering abortion.. I truely hope that my story can help them see a happier side of life. :D I know that God will give me the right words to say, because I always tell my story differently with those that i tell it to.

I was able to go to DisneyWorld this past summer. It was truly AWESOME! The kids had been to DisneyLand, so seeing MickeyMouse and Princesses was nothing new to them. I, on the other hand, had a blast. I even got a day to myself and even was dorky enough to see Tinker Bell in person. I was the only non-kid that was waiting to see her {that's how dorky i was}. I didn't care. I got to get in line faster because people thought i was apart of "that" group. Got to go swimming at the Tycoon Park before having to fly back to Alaska.

We spent a day at EpCot, walking around- trying different things with the kids. There were some water sprouts here and there, and Jameson was brave enough to go play in one. Yeah- i was able to catpure a great moment {pic}. hahaha. He stood in the way of the water jumping. I must say that this is indeed my favorite picture of that trip!.. Totally Priceless!!

My favorite park of DisneyWorld would have to be Animal Kingdom. We hanged out in the Africa area and even went on a Sarfari ride. It was great! The kids totally loved looking at all the animals and loved these fishes the most {so they said}. There were hidden Mickey's all over the park, and if you look for it where'ver you went- you may find one or two. :D

I always manage to work with kids where ever i am at. I am a Nanny, and i help out in Awanas, and i often help out in the Nusery. We often have just girls in there, but this one time i was in there we got a boy who was super shy. So i went and got some cars and that track thing. Needless to say, the boy opened up and all the kids were all over that thing. Of course i had to take pics! I think it's my job to take pics at times! In fact, i recently was asked to take pictures for the Church's Website--- of the school, and activites. I am super siked, and will be starting with the school's pics this coming week.. Yays!

I have to be honest... I am moving this summer to TX. Going to help my older sister out, and of course get to know Stephen a lot better. He moved out there recently. :D I can't wait. Tho... I will really miss these kids, and Alaska tons. I love working with these kids and doing things with them {like go to the Glacier or the park, or play with their toys}. I love hearing them laugh, and love seeing how much they grow. They are two very different kids, yet seem to get along pretty well.

I am going to miss this boy tons. I seem to spend the most time with him, since Delaney is in school longer. He knows how to push my buttons, and i know how much he can handle {like how much food he'll eat or if he needs a nap rather than a rest}.

I will miss these great chances for great shots. They don't happen all the time, but if you are looking- you may come across something great. Like a great foggy day, or the water all clear, or a great sunrise/set that happens after a rainy week. {pic} it was a super cold day, and i had to take the dog to the groomers. After dropping her off, i came across this Docking area and just fell in love with the view. So i snapped some pics, and even got down on the frozen ground for some pics. Hey- sometimes you gotta get dirty and cold to get some great shots. :D

Sunsets and Sunrises will always be my favorite thing to shot. When i see Orange, i think of my friend Jolene {she told me once that she loved orange sunsets the most}. So i often think of her. My favorite Sunsets are the ones with Pink, Purple and a bit of Blue. Fall time the sun rises as i am taking the kids to school- so i was able to get some great pics {when it wasn't cloudy or rainy}.

I just love Scrapbooking. This is my lastest page i've done. I love it tons. I may add to it later- but for now, this works! :D Took me a long time to put all those pictures into a heart, and to put those Eyelets things through the papers. On the back, i tape it so that it won't scratch through the other pages. :D I do love scrapping and someday would love to go Pro with it. But- that's just a dream i have.
And well.. that's life for now.