July 2011! What a blessing it was for me. The kids I watch went to visit their Grandparents this summer and i got to have a vacation. Jenice and I first took the kids to GA. She sat with Jameson in the back and I sat with Delaney in the middle of the plane. The lady next to me asked if we were with an adult- hahaha! I met up with Stephen at the airport and Jenice met up with her parents. I had a wonderful time with Stephen. He had to work all week, but when we were together it was precious! I went for walked on the non-sidewalks, and i checked out the different stores nearby. Stephen and I watched some movies together, ate out, chat, walked and fixed his car {well, he fixed it, i just cheered him on!}. It was very hard to leave...yet i had to.
I was very glad to be able to see my new sister-in-law! We went out to eat with my little bro {not her hubby} and just chatted. She is one very cool girl. I am very glad that my older brother married her. I was able to help out at a youth-group and just see what Jayme faces each week. Jayme, Deanna and I had went to see the new HarryPotter movie together-people at the movie were super excited and were not quiet during most of it {claping and cheering..etc}. I thought it was super nifty that 2 elderly ladies sat by me and was whispering together--kinda like Kaytie would with me when i am lost about whats going on, or when she just wants to explain something deeper. So i listened to these ladies as i watched the movie and got some inside scoop about it that i wouldn't have if they weren't sitting by me.
Flying from GA to WA... i sat in Daron's seat as he sat with one of the kids and Jenice sat with the other kid. Someone asked me for Daron and i said he would either be in seat 21 or 27... so the lady left and then came back and told me to get my bags- so i did and she took me to seat 1A.. {oh yeah- that's First Class baby!!}. It was super awesome. So i guess Daron had an upgrade and gave it to me.. I got to watch a free movie, drink whatever i wanted {water!}, and eat {tomatoes, some fancy meat thing, and chocolate covered icecream} for free--as well as, have more space!
I really wanted to make it to the top... but of course i couldn't.. but we did made it very far up and i was very impressed and proud of how much God's Strength there was.. I am sure i would've made it all the way to the top- but i didn't want to make Jenny very late for a thing she had to go later that day. So we met up with a small group {2girls and 2 buys} and just hanged out with them, ate lunch and just chatted. I am very blessed with Jenny and know that God has something amazing planned for her.
While we were hanging out, a bear and a cub walked by, so we walked over a small ways to just watch it walk.. It was very awesome to see a bear they high up. God was just blessing us the whole time.. reminding us of His love and His power. He created each mountian and everything that is one them, and He created us and knows EVERYTHING there is to know about us {even what we don't even know}.. I am just in awe. On the way up from the cross to here, Jenny and I walked with this guy named Mike- it was so cool because we got deep in our conversation about God and life, and he too was very patient with me as i felt like i was going to die walking up this mountian. On the way down, Jenny and I walke with another guy named Spencer- it too was very awesome because we got into a deep talk about girls and guys and God. {like our relationship and whatnots}
What did i learn on this hike? I learned that even if we started to head the wrong way and are willing to go back to God and give Him everything {repent and give Him our all} then we will get back onto the trail that He has made for us... I know i surely couldn't make it up 5feet alone {on my own strength}-- and desperately needing His strength. And the more i depended on Him the further i was able to go. Yeah i may had to stop often to catch my breath or get a drink of water but each step i had to take was really from God. And to those that ran up the mountian, and even those that made it all the way to the top-- i am very impressed with them. they make it look so easy- yet i know how hard it is just to walk up it. In the end- it was ever so worth it! I may have to try to do it again someday, and make sure i have some bear-spray or something with me {just in case}! I would love to make it to the top someday and just be able to say that I've done it and had done it with the power of God {i surely wouldn't be able to do it on my own}.. So Mt. Roberts was my 1st mountian that i climbed up, and was the 1st one that i tried to make it to the top... so close yet so far away. There is no way I could jump from this mountian to the next without the cross of Jesus {the bridge that He made with His own blood}. This morning service was very well spoken- about being rescued and knowing when you despreatly{sp} needing to be rescued {like being stuck in a barn that is on fire and there is no way out}. Jesus came to rescue us and to help us to see {just like He did with the blind man who couldn't see and admitted that he couldn't see... and unlike the pharisees who claim to see yet was blind}. It was a message that related {to me} to the hiking... I needed to be resued and He directed the pathway.... I need to remember this and continue going on- looking toward Him. Yeah, He can use my mistakes for His Glory- but what a blessing it'll be to do what He tells me to do the 1st time and just give Him the Glory for all the blessing that'll come out of it!! WOW.. God is just so amazing! How can one look at this view and not praise Him?!? Poor souls who are blinded to the truth!
Well.. hope you didn't mind this book i just wrote {so it'll seem like}.. :D thanks for your time! May God blessed you and encourage you through your path and your own struggles. I'll be that cheerleader that cheers you on even tho i don't know what you are going through {just like i did with all those people that either passed us or was coming down while we were still going up the mountian... i don't know how far they made it, or what they were struggleing with... but God does and i can just encourage them or just put a small smile on their face while they continue going on}.. Jenny had mentioned a few times how amazed she was that I was encouraging others when i was struggling so much to just make it part way... So i guess through that- i was encouraging her {spiritally} without really knowing it at the time. :D And now- i hope that i have encouraged you, even just a small bit. All this is going to the glory of God.. because i surely can't do anything to help you--- but i know He can and will! :D