July is finally here! 4th of July i was on a plane to GA... and was able to see Stephen. I have missed him greatly. On the way there, i sat with Delaney on row 16 and Jenice was with Jameson on row 29... The lady next to me asked me if we were with an adult- i told her that i was an adult and then she asked me again if we are with an adult. hahaha... guess she was deaf- so i told her again that i am an adult. Then the service lady came by asking if someone on row 16 has a mom in the back {Jenice sent up something for Delaney to do if bored} and of course i had to answer for Delaney {it didn't help me at all}. Later on, i told the lady bout my story and she thought it was super cool that i was a Nanny and when she saw a pic of Elijah after we landed she said "He's a Stunner!".. I am so gonna be using that saying for a long time. :D

I had gotten my hair cut and told Stephen that i had a surprise for him... but like i thought- he didn't even ask me for a pic of me the whole week. {makes me wonder if he misses me or something}. But he liked it. :D It is super HOT here, but i love it. Been going for walks to nearby stores and just looking around. I can't believe that there are NO sidewalks here- do people not walk around anymore? This is so sad!! Don't they know how amazing this place is? It is HOT and Sunny and there is even THUNDER! O'How i have missed Thunder! :D I am super siked that i got to hear it and just enjoy it. Sunday Stephen and I are going to a church nearby, and then go watch Transformers together- i just love cuddling with him and just enjoying the time we have together. Yesterday we went to a nearby resturant and had a great time! :D

The week before i left for my new adventure- I was able to hang out with Kjerstin each day. It was tons of fun. We went swimming a few times, went to the park, played at my house, watched movies, went to the library{pic-at the library downtown} and played games- even had a Pj Party one day. After work, Kjerstin and I went to the Glacier, had dinner, and even went to Eagle Beach for some picture taking fun! :D It was great fun! :D I just love hanging out with her.
I am getting more and more excited about my ASL class that starts up in September. It will be very helpful and i can use it too. I had ran into a deaf girl here in GA and i was able to use what little ASL i knew from Kjerstin- and i think i totally brighten up her day {because she had an even bigger smile on her face before i left}. God is so Good!! :D
I am taking this online Scrapbooking class thing this summer- it started last week and will end in September... but it is super easy to catch up- so i have to wait till i get back in order to catch up and make some pages that goes with the theme of the week and whatnots. I can't wait! I just love scrapbooking and i love challeneges. I am also looking forward to working more on my brother's Wedding Scrapbook- just need to finsih editing some pics {alot of them i hate the fact that it either has the date on it or it is red/orange bc of the lighting---grr}. I can understand why mom felt out of the loop- yet the whole picture thing is really her own fault since she left before they did the family pictures--O'Wells! Life goes on. :D I am looking forward to hanging out with my Sister-in-Law and the fam.. i am not looking forward to the smoke, and the boredness and the messiness.. grr. I am not homesick at all! I love being out of the house and being on my own... Hmm. i wonder what i am gonig to be doing after this Nanny job- will i be married with Stephen, or will i still be working with the family, or maybe with another family, or maybe even work a different job. I have no idea-- i just know that i do not want to go back to MI to live- i know i won't be able to keep a job there {i'll be useless like alot of people there}.
Well.. Thats all for now- Have a wonderful and blessed day/week!
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