I got into watching this show about the guy who found Titanic.. It reminded me of how much we should be searching for God everyday. I mean... noone had found the ship, and this guy wanted to be the 1st to find it so bad. The Navy ended up helping him, if he only found 2 subs and tell why they disappeared {he went under cover for that, and couldn't tell anyone about his mission}.. by the time he found the sus, he only had 2 weeks to find the Titanic.. But taking in what he learned from looking for the subs- he was indeed able to find the Titanic. He was so determine to find it, that he wouldn't give up throughout that 2 weeks {and yes, he did find it.. back in 1985---sweet year!}. We should also be so determine to look for God each day- yet it isn't hard to find Him.. we should really be wanting to go to Him and do what He wants... Yeah, i know- i am bad at explaining this, but i truly believe that we should daily be seeking Him... and watching this show had help me see that more so.
I really need to seek Him out more. I am planing on getting this serious on this guy who preaches.. not just preaches- but puts a new AWE in2 people's lives... like this one he did about the universe, then about the body.. Laminin is indeed my new favorite thing about my body... I am being held by MILLIONS n MILLIONS of tiny crosses, and guess what??? you are too.. {rather you are a believer or not, black or white, tall or short, skinny or fat, old or young..etc}.
People worry about stupid things... "This pic isn't perfect" or "my job is laying people off".. Don't you think that God will take care of it all? A picture is only perfect as you want it to be, and if you do loose your job, then wouldn't God take care of you? Oh how much we take for granted, and how much we forget things. I forgot how much i love Him.. and having to give up Elijah helped me realized how much i do love Him.. He gave me life, and He provides for everything. I just want to walk with Him, and i just want to know Him... more than anyone.. I want to make people jealous {enough for them to want more time with Him}. I don't want to worry anymore, or be scared {tho, that is easier said than done}. I WANT TO BE A WOMAN AFTER GOD'S OWN HEART!! And for me to do that- i will indeed need help.. i will need to get into the Bible more, and i will need to be encouraged.
Well.. thats life for now..
Yesterday was mega crazzie.. had kids till about 5:30, then went to the Bible Study at 9:30-11:30, then a group of us went to the church and painted a few walls outside... got home at 2:30am then had to be up by 6:30. But, praise the Lord i only had to watch Jameson for a few hours while Delaney was at church, and then put them down for a nap after lunch- and then Daron came home just as kids got up.. yays! took a nap, then went for a walk {since it had stopped raining}. that was my day. Yays for a weekend!!
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