Yeah, I know it's been a while since I last posted...been pretty busy lately.
Let see- Forth of July came- it was a blast being here in AK. Daron and Jenice had a few people came over, and I had my best friend Kjerstin come over.. we watched fireworks with the family. The kids loved it, and I enjoyed hearing their "Ooohs" and "Aaahs" and "Wows". We went to the parade. Delaney was going to be in it, but decided at the last minute she didn't want to be in it.. So Jenice and Delaney was a few blocks from where Daron, Jameson and I was at. There were TONS of people {good thing there was no cruise ships at that time}

Jameson had wanted to get water out of the wagon, so he would climb in and then climb out.. then have Daron open it,, then when he was done he would climb back into the wagon to put the bottle of water back.. Super cute!!

Kjerstin and I went to the Sandy Beach where there are things going on.. so we let Delaney hang out with us. there wasn't a whole lot to do, but I am glad that we were able to take Delaney. Of course, Delaney was super excited about riding a horse for the 1st time. She loved it tons. {I wish I have a nice camera to take pics,, but I am glad that my phone takes pictures}.

After riding the horse, we walked up the street a bit to watch the fire-fighter's race. What is a fire-fighter's race?? Well, it's where they have 2 teams of 4 people, and they see who can connect the hoses together the fastest and spray the water. It was all just for fun, and it was fun to watch..

Then a week after 4th of July, I was able to go to CA and see Stephen. It was a blast. He has a very nice Nikon camera that he let me use.. and boy was I taking pictures. I went for walks when he was at work and snaped pictures, being creative or just snapping them at the right moment.

I so wanted to ask to take it with me, since he barely use it- and i surely would put it to use {since i use my phone camera a TON}

Seeing Stephen again surely was a blessing. I got to know him better in person, and got to spend alot more time with him in person. Even though he had to work alot, we were able to spend a ton more time together than if I hadn't gone down there.

We watched movies, talked, cooked, danced, played around together {lagos}, and just spent time together. We also drove down to his dad's fiance's place and stayed there over the weekend. It was awesome being able to meet his dad. When we got there, Stephen went ahead and snooped around the house looking for his sword {which is a nice sword indeed}.

While we were at his dad's, we went to play bowling. It was AWESOME. I lost all 3 games, but it was so much fun that I don't care that I lost {i did got a few strikes in it-yays}. Lonnie {Stephen's dad} is super good at it, that he kept creaming us. It was very good.

I enjoy flying.. but leaving CA was ever so hard.. Stephen gave me a god-bye hug, and i didn't want to let go nor walk away. I miss him ever so much. even tho we talk on the phone at times, and text alot- its not the same as being there with him.

I had a week to myself with the crazzie dog... it was alright. i was able to clean alot, and hang out with Kjerstin before she left for NY. The day after i got back, I was able to see Rekann for a short time before she left bc of work. It was a nice week- tho i wished i had that time with Stephen... A few days before Rekann left, we went to the Glacier one night and saw some bears. It was very awesome being able to see them up close.

There was a Baby bear in the tree {pic} and a Mom bear walking around below the tree {close to us, but not close enough to harm us}. Then we saw the bears eat some fish- very amazin. The smell was bad- because of the dead fishes that was laying around. But over all- it was a great memory. I got Kjerstin a shirt she had wanted, so i gave it to her the night before she left.

I had gotten a recent picture of Elijah while i was in CA. He is ever so handsome.. still have my hair, eyes {color} and smile. I wish he was smiling at me, but i am sure he was just smiling at Kevin who was holding him. I so much wish i kept him, but at the same time- i know this is what is best for him. I had joined this site for moms, and a group i joined is on adoption.. alot of the members were adopted- so it is very interesting hearing their stories. And the sadest story i heard was how this one girl doesn't want to call her real mom "mom".. Oh- i so would love it if Elijah would call me "mom" when he meets me. He will ALWAYS be my SON-- not just Elijah or just another kid... he is MINE, and my 1st born. I see why God wants us to give Him our 1st fruits... I gave Him Elijah and He will bless me later on in life {i just know it}. Giving him up was the HARDEST thing ever- but hearing those adoption stories, Elijah has it ever so good.. He will have 2 parents loving him and 3 siblings... and also 2 real parents loving him and 3 half siblings. He will have a journal from me- and pictures of his birth. some of the adoptee's don't even know much of their young lives or much about their real mom. That is just mega sad.

The Sun has been shining here and there lately.. YAYS! I had tooken the kids out for a walk. They love walking to the bridge.. while we were on the bridge, Delaney just had to stop to look at a random bug. It's interesting watching the kids and how they interact with things. I am also learning how to edit pictures and have been playing around with different pictures i either have or have taken recently. {pic in a pic is something i recently found out about editing-YAYS!}

We had went to Downtown to walk around... there is a lil deck for boats. So we went on it and looked at the view and at the HUGE cruise ships. They are always asking to go on the deck now- or what joy it is to find cheap {free} places to go to.

I also had tooken them to the beach the other day. The sun is up, and so i am going to enjoy the sun while we still have it. It's been rainy lately. yesterday i tooken them to Eagle Beach and we saw a Star-Fish. Today, there were some Whales in the channel just outside the house. It was VERY awesome to see.. Jameson loved it loads, Delaney was in school at the time {so she missed out on it}.

The awesome thing about being here in AK is that wild life is EVERYWHERE... There are Eagles flying around, fish in the water, Whales, Dophines, Seals, Deers, Bears, and bugs {tons of spiders-- YUCK!}. I am learning more and more about being a mom {tho, it's not with my kids}. Jameson is about ready to be potty-trained.. so Jenice said she is going to get me a book about training the kids for that. And since i am with the kids most of the time, i get to be the main cheerleader. I feel bad for the parents, because they want to be here with the kids and take care of them- yet they want to continue working.
Well.. that is that.. there still is tons more to tell- but this will do for now.. :D
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