It has FINALLY snowed here this week. We didn't get a whole lot, enough to shovel tho- but not like Texas. *haha*. It is indeed BEAUTIFUL here- looking at the snow covered mountians. Everything seems to be brighter now. :D I Love it! Yesterday, the kids and I shoveled for the 1st time since 2008

I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be famous.. but at the same time i don't want to be famous at all. I enjoy being able to go places without people knowing who i am and without a million cameras fellowing me around--yet, at the same time i think it would be awesome to have people know who i was. Well.. i am glad that i am who i am, and i wouldn't change that for anything.

Elijah is 11months old today. I miss him very much... but at the same time, i know what i did was whats best for him. I am very proud to tell people that i am A MOM of a handsome son, and i love showing him off. As i am working on a scrapbook, or working on my album for when i go over seas this summer, i often want to take some AMAZING pictures of my son.. like of his little feet and hands, him sleeping...etc.. I have learned so much about taking some amazing pics this past year.. i only wish that i had taken pictures of him myself when i had him... but i was enjoying him being in my arms that me taking pictures was the last thing on my mind. I am glad that my mom was there taking some pics.. may not be the best pics, but it's all i have of him. I love him so much! Much more now than i did when he was still in my tummy {and trust me, i fell in love with him as soon as i knew i was pregnant}.
How can people abort kids??? That is ever so sad and so mean. How can people be for abortion? Do they not have a heart? I can tell you 100% that their mom didn't abort them... what would've happen had their mom aborted them {like Oh Big "butt" Mistake Amercia!--i mean Obama!}. I am very glad that my mom didn't abort me! Aren't you glad that your mom didn't abort you??? I am totally against Obama... i can't see what good he is doing for America besides making us poorer and killing us. Yays!! more taxes, more wasting money on stupid things, more murder {abortion}! lets celebrate and worship Obama for saving us!! I THINK NOT!! ... just so you know,, i do pray for Obama {or so much}, but i am not for him. I am not against the fact that he is black, i am just against what he is doing and what he is for {abortion}. that is just a HUGE thing that i am against. another thing is health care--- PLEASE! lets pay people to kill their babies! I can't see how in the world people want someone like this to be their president {because clearly he won for a reason}. If the world just wanted a black to be president, then why not let someone who is against abortion be it?
Ok.. enough about politics.. i don't know what all is going on anyways.. off to bed i go.