WOW! It is already March! 2 days till Elijah turns 11months. Crazzie how times fly by. Someone mentioned something about me being a mom- and i told them that i am A mom, but those these kid's mom. they looked at me very strangely and i told them that my son is living withhis adoptive parents and that i take care of these kids here. Jameson then came up to me at that time, making me leave the conversation hanging at that- so i wonder what went through their mind at that time! Some people think that it's rude of me to have given up Elijah, as others see it as me being very loving. What do you think? Personally, I know for a fact that what i did was what was best for him. I love him ever so dearly and am missing him ever so much. I take care of these kids and often wonder what crazzie things Elijah is going to do at these ages.

Delaney had a few hard days lately... she fell asleep in my apartment after she had taken her "rest". It was much needed her for. and of course- i had my camera handy, haha!

So.. I've watched The Bachelor.. I can honestly tell you that Stephen is just like Jake in so many ways- Good looking, sweet attitude, smart, caring, good values and did i say Good looking?? Anyways, I had liked Vienna, Ali, Ella, Gia and Tenley from day 1. Was very sad Ella left early. Got confused about Ali because she was being so rude to Vienna- but something about her stuck. Vienna was very sweet and totally herself from day 1 {i can just tell, so don't ask}. Final 3 girls were on my top 5... Gia, Tenley and Vienna. {Sweetness!} People in the world is ever so rude to people and love to bring someone down.. so sad indeed! I am happy for Vienna and Jake- i can see some of me in Vienna... mainly- she has grown from a HUGE mistake in her own life, and i have grown from a HUGE mistake in my own life. I surely would love to be friends with Vienna and Jake.

Stephen and I are still going strong! He has brought so many smiles to my heart. My top fav. thing to do with him is read something from the Bible.. we can't do it every night, but when we do- I love it! I keep getting asked when we are going to be getting married- honestly, not anytime soon. We are taking things slowly and just enjoying each other as the time goes by. He will meet my family and i will meet his mom before we do plan out our wedding. Meeting his sister will be awesome.. she sounds like she is alot like my cousin Maria. I will be seeing Stephen this summer for a day or two {wish it would be longer than that} and i am looking forward to that. Get to explore a new town together!

I LOVE working here in Alaska! It's been ever so beautiful here this winter. I think Texas has gotten more snow than we have {even with the snow we have gotten today}.. Crazzie! Here Jameson and I was at the park while family was ice-skating. So amazing to see how much they have grown up within the {almost} 2yrs i've been here. I can honestly say that i am going to miss this family once i stop working for them. They feel more like my own family more than my boss.

A friend and I are planning on a mission's trip this summer. Things are working out so far.. and i have this HUGE feeling that this is where the Lord wants me to go this summer. {not just a feeling, but a strong desire}... I know that it's not Satan, because Satan will not give me a desire to do something right or to plant seeds in people's hearts/lives. I am excited about it and don't have any worries about it. Mom is worried that something will happen, and so is Stephen. If i was to die, then i would be dying doing the right thing- praising my Father! All the Glory goes to Him and HIM ALONE!

He is always reminding me that He is here with me and loves me. He wants whats best for me- just like i want whats best for Elijah. So, for those who think that i have not changed- think again! I keep thinking about how to better my relationship with Him! Best way is to continue reading His Love notes- for He had written those just for me... "I once was lost, but now i am found!" How can i not want to fellow the ONE who has found me!
I am glad that i am not famous or have millions of people wanting to watch my every move. I am free to go to the store, or hang out with my friends without anyone bothering me. I love being me! There isn't anyone in the world i want to be.. not even the "sexiest" woman--- i am glad that i am sexy in my own personal way. But, you have to get to know me 1st in order to see it.. *grins* - I have a great life.... all because I have my Savior with me... without Him I'd be lost and life wouldn't be worth living!
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