It is a blessing to be here. It's been raining all month- so it seems like anyways. I am very ready for Summer to come- but alas, we have to go through winter first. Thats just how life is... we all have to go through something in order to get the reward. But no matter what the weather is, there seem to always be Sunshine somewhere in my day/life. Rather that Sunshine is just a quiet time alone, spending time with friends, or just a simple sight {like a rainbow on a rainy day}. Delaney is slowly understanding some of the Bible stories. She told me the story of Noah the other day and told me that a rainbow is God's promise to Love us.... so true... and it is also a promise that He will not flood the earth again like that. {yeah he will flood towns, but not the whole world}.

The Kids are ever so silly. Delaney loves to pick out her own clothes in the morning, and of course- it doesn't always match. But un-matching looks totally awesome on kids {so i think anyways}. It shows their growing up stage and a bit of independence. Jameson has been saying some very silly things. Most recently- the kids where in the back seat and Hiedi was in between them. Jameson then says, "Hiedi is looking at me", "Hiedi is bothering me", "Hiedi smells!"... ROTFLOL {Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud}. I just love these kids. Jameson gave me a kiss on the cheeks the other day and told me that he loved me. I guess Stephen has to work harder at keeping me then.. haha!

I have been reading in Romans the past week.. I am just now starting reading chapter 3. I have been reading a few other books that talks about the chapters in Romans and just seeing where they match up to what God is saying. I also have been praying about what i need to get out of the chapter each day. I should do it like this more often for each book of the Bible. What i've been getting out of my reading in Romans is to depend on Him more and to seek Him out more. I want to be a Woman after God's own Heart, and i want to not be a chicken to tell people about Him. I am not perfect, but i know that He can use me still. Someone recently came up to me and told me about their past. I am ever so thankful for this friend and am glad that i can share with her how much the Lord has changed me and can change her too. It's not too late to change the way you think and to be pure for your future guy/girl.

I may not be able to see what my family see in Stephen, but i do not hate them for their view. Just because my past with guys were way off from what i really wanted- doesn't mean that this relationship is the same. If i was to break up with him, i don't want to do it just because my family don't like him.. if i was then it is going to be because it is God's Will that we are not together. I want to break it off together, not because of a silly fight, or because of cheating. I am not dating him just to proof myself wrong, or to proof my fam wrong, or just to have a boyfriend. I am dating him because i see so much in him that i want in a husband. Yeah there are a few things i don't like, but i know that we can work through them together. I am sure there are things about me that gets to him {not sure what they are..yet}. I know that my family don't want me to go through the hard times- but i know that the hard times that God gives me will only help me be a better woman for Him.
Anyways, someday... ...just someday... ...my family will see the change in my life. I surely can't wait for that day when they say, "there is just something about you!" untill then, i shall pray for them. I am not putting on a show- nor trying to make myself look better than what i am, because i surely am not all that great.

So i ended up getting the new Taylor Swift CD. I love it! I think that its super awesome how she is young and does alot of things. She also tries to interacts with her fans and gives things out all the time, and even have a certain "tea" time with random fans from her concerts. I love that she has a song called "Hey Stephen". With her new cd.. i love the song called
"Mine" .. and she even has a video of it out. So cute! Guess that guy is one of few guys to say that they kissed Taylor Swift. :D I remember a friend of mine telling me that they met Taylor Swift.. i knew her song Teardrop on my Guitar, and Tim McGraw- but i didn't really know who she was. But now i do {well, not personally}- but i know what she looks like and i even know more of her songs. :D
Anyways-- i shall end it here before i ramble on some more on nothing super important. :P Until next time- have a wonderful and blessed and God-Fearing day/week! Remember who loved you 1st.... God!
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