Lately, I've been reading this book about an orphan girl who was in training to be a Nazi Youth. She went through hard times before she went to training and when Hitler died. She went to a Labor Camp and was force to work without much food and very lil water- even during the hottest days of the year. One Summer day, she and a few others excaped. She went with a friend to get across some woods to get to the American side {Russians would shoot ya if they saw ya trying to get to the other side of Germany where the Americans were at.} So her and a friend and a lil kid {whose mom was taken by the Russians} made it across. As Hansi and her friend droped the lil girl off to a place where they'll take care of the kid, they found a place to live and work. As she was there, she heard what Hitler had done with the Jews. After a few years of being married to a guy and having some kids, they moved to America. It was there in America that they came to know the Lord as their Savior. They soon talked to many teenagers and led many of them to the Lord.
It is sad to hear about people dieing. Like 9-11, or the shootings. But what is more sadder than the people dieing, is that many of them don't even know about the Lord Jesus Christ. Maybe they was never told, or many they just never let Him into their hearts. It is sad to know that many of them I shall not see or meet in Heaven. But what a blessing it is to know that I shall meet and see soem of them. Even tho they died in abad way- it is still not bad enough as the Lord Chirst died. He went through much more worst things than the Jews did during WWII. And He loves us all very much.. :)
Things here at home have been a bit crazzie. The computer was down for many weeks {I used my dad's to post Fun Monday last week.}.. At work, the power went off for more than a few hours. So many of the people was able to go home early- i stayed with 3 others and checked some parts with what light we did have. I found out that I am going to be an Aunt!! YEAHHHHS.. I really can't wait.. My Cousin had another baby, a baby girl. The weather has been either cold or nice- but not Awesome {but it will soon.. i just know it}. And I joined Annaniah Church :) So yeah- that is whats been going on here. I still miss school and can't wait to go back in the fall {If they accepted me... they never called or mailed me or anything... so i am getting a bit worried that i might not be able to go back--that would just hurt me mega hard.} I am more than ready to leave home- i am starting to not like it too much. But o-wells... thats life ah??
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