Oh- My- Soul! It's way better than saying what everyone else says, and it's just my own way of saying- WOWSIE!!! Yes.. Wowsie would have to be one of my fav. words too.. so would O-wells.. I use them all the time..
What is your least favorite word?
I dunnos- if you tell me something, i'll just let you know what word i don't like....
What turns you on (creatively, spiritually or emotionally)?
If i was a light-bulb, then i would have to be someone flipping the switch on.. but i am not a light-bulb.... i am human.. what turns me on???? well... for guys, it would be knowing that they don't drink, smoke, swear, lie.. and well- have a good attitude toward things. For girls, it would be knowing that we can get along and be good friends. I am usually in a good mood- so it's all cools to be friends with normal, crazzie, odd, strange, you name it, people.. :)

What turns you off?
Being put down or being judged when i don't need to be.. Like being at church and knowing that someone is looking down on me when they should be looking at me as if we've been friends.
What is your favorite curse word?
I do not have one... because i don't like swearing or hearing it. My dad swears all the time {when we are in the car, or when we are watching a show, or when we tell him something, or when we're at work... anywhere-anytime.... I don't like hearing it.. I use to hit my friends on their arms when they swear around me.. so they learned not to swear around me.. I was always glad when they ask their other friends not to swear around me. :)

I love listening to the train go by or stopping or starting up. I love listening to the children laughing--for surely when i am the one making them laugh
What sound or noise do you hate?
The alarm clock going off... mine doesn't go off more then one beep. I hate it when my room-mates keep hitting snooze for about an hour
What profession, other than your own, would you like to attempt?
I would love to work in an office- working with computers. I would also love to help people out- like a Counseling {hence why i am going to school..}. I love working with the kids, so anything with the kids would be cool {like in an orphanage or the children's hospital.}
What profession would you not like to attempt?
Being a model.. Some of the clothes they wear and the way they have their make-up.. can i say...STUPID!!.. I don't like wearing make-up, so any profession's that'll let me not wear make-up is always a good thing.. :) .. i wouldn't want to be working in a factory all my life- so just working in one for a time being it better than being a model.

I know that He exists-- But i do hope to hear Him say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant!".. i wouldn't want to hear Him say, "I never knew you!" ... But I am very sure that I will hear Him say, "Well done..."
If God wasn't alive then how can we have such beatuiful scenery???
Dayna, I love your answers, a lot of people chose laughter as their favourite sound.
Hi we seem to be on the same wave length and have some similar answers.
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