Here is a picture of my lil sis- Yes it's not me!. This is her "normal" look. Anything that doesn't match- she loves it. Blue jeans, skirt, and t-shirts!.. she has a wig on.. :) Crazzie sister I have! I bet you would love to wear something like this too ah??? LOL

This is my older brother- he is playing "weggie war".. All you need is pj pants with pockets, then attack someone! It's funnie to watch- i shall not do this!
Fun Monday#11.
We are to take pictures of old clothings or clothings that we have now that we like and tell why we picked it.

Here is another one of my lil sis.. we were at a store just looking around, and she stoped to try on some hats.. she looks kinda normal there!!

This is my pink outfit i got when i was in 1st grade. Wasn't i a lil cutie??? {don't bother looking at my lil bro in front,, i am the cuter one..jk.}
I loved this outfit so much that i wore it all the time. I use to like pink things, and thought it was cute.

Here is me wearing that pink outfit. Picture day!! My grandma has this same picture on her wall- and none of the other kids are on her wall.. I am grandma'a favorite because i am shorter than she is... but if i was 1/16th taller than she is, then i will no longer be her fav.. so i keep telling her to stop strinking.. LOL

This is my lil sis and I in my grandma Scott's pool. An old bath thingy!!. mega cool. I use to love that bathing suit- very girlie and was very cool. Boy- I miss those days!! We use to play in that backyard all the time- playing tag or some other crazzie game we made up.

I am into Soccer- so here is one of my soccer shirts i got at a store... i think it lookes mega cools!!! I have another one that is red and saids the number 3 in front {which i an the 3rd kid out of the 6 kids} and on the back it says Defence {which is what i like doing when i am playing soccer- and can be kinda good at it.}

These are my twin brothers- i felt like i had to add them too.. They don't look that young anymore- in fact, they are going to be 18 this year.. Scarey!!
But my mom use to always dress them the same- just with different colors.. one is in red and the other is in blue! Joy- can you tell who is who? I can!!
Weggie war - hee hee giggle giggle snort. It must have been fun growing up in your house!
Dayna.. you dare ask me if I can tell them apart. I was the one mom came to when they were babies for me to tell her who she had.. *giggles* yes I know who is who.. Greg is on the left and john on the right.. its not that hard to tell.. and now that they are almost 18 its even easier since they dont' look alike anymore... just that they happen to be boys. :P
You have lots of fun in your family especially weggiewar!!
It's great to see all your family, sounds like you had fun growing up!
You have posted a wide variety of fun and interesting clothes. I especially like the hat and your brother's Mickey Mouse shirts.
That last picture was really adorable.(And I also enjoyed the hat!!)
I'm here from Fun Monday, just a bit late :/. Lots of energy on your blog, I had fun reading it :).
The weggie looked PAINFUL! Me no likey weggies (sounds like you're smarter than your brother, though ;) ).
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