Now, this year off of college has been crazzie. There are days where I am having a blast, and others--well, not so good. There are so much going on, and yet nothing is going on. I've been going through some inner-challenges..and i've been beating myself up over it all, but once i prayed and gave it to God, things been getting a bit better. Well, ,maybe not better in a way i wish it would be, but my attitude is better. Sure, i do miss college {even the classes; and the homework; and the long hours of working in the kitchen without anything to eat until i get back to my room; and the time spent getting to know new friends n old friends; and the time being spent at church with those trouble makers.......i mean...Angels...}, but the Lord wants me home for now. I am not sure whatever why for- but there is a reason. I do believe that i have grown so much--maybe not in hieght, or in ways one wishes... but i have grown. I've learned to listen more, and to speak up more {mainly speaking up- because i am pretty bad at that}.. I've learned to not think about "What if?" , but to think more on "When?". When I am done with this war, I will be at peace; When this task is over, I will move onto that other task over that huge hill...
This week has been a blessing at work. I haven't worked on 548 for more than 6 hours total {besides today.. but i didn't mind being on it today- seeing how i had my own lil vacation being off of it}. I've been working on these "spares" type parts. I enjoyed it very much.. they weigh about 20lb each- and does ache ya arms after a while.. but i don't mind it. Yesterday, i got to work with Lil Joe {picture of him being himself- silly}...outside {which never happens}... so we were havign a blast.. then when it got a bit chilly, we moved inside. Big Joe came and helped us. That was a blast, the Joes and I. They are both very funnie in their own ways. I have one who makes fun of himself and the other makes it seem like he doesn't like me {but i know he does...}. He-Big Joe- told me that he got my laugh down-pack {which he doesn't. LOL}.. Today, I threw a glove at Big Joe- but he didn't saw me, so he threw it at Lil Joe,.. Lil Joe threw it back and hit Big Joe on the head.. then Big Joe threw it back {but missed}.. great fun starting things and not being in it all. LOL..
Well- that is kinda whats going on nows... Crazzie is normal- or maybe normal is Crazzie.. One may never know!!!!
Having faith is a wonderful gift and will help you through those inner-challenges.
I like those photos are they views near where you live?
Life can be hard sometimes; it kicked me in nuts several times so badly till I could barely stand up. But that’s just life, challenges are inevitable. =)
After reading this post, I realize we have some similarities and differences. I don’t usually listen to people opinion, but I’m working on it now. I speak a lot, but it is a bad thing when you do it too much, yeah…working on that too.
I’ve read most of your post; the one about Muslims was my favorite one. Good to hear that there are people who put rationality on priority than hatred.
By the way, thanks for the comment for my blog. You are the first non-friend audience who actually spend time reading it. Meant a lot to me, appreciate it. Thanks again.
Hey girly.. thought your blog was great and I have seen you grow.. its great.. even if I am thousands of miles away.. I have noticed that you are growing up *sniff sniff* my little siss is growing up..
Anyways.. just wanted to let you know that many times I feel inept in things and that I am constintly learning and isn't that what life is about.. learning and growing.. cause you stop living when you stop growing and learning. You are a sweet person and I love that you are my sister. I'll be praying for you!
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