OK. So you are wondering where i am going with this- me too... But typing just for the fun of it is pretty fun too. I have noone to talk to, and nothing to do, So here is a random post from crazzie me!!!

So i guess at school this year {sadly i wasn't there}, they did this game of Human Clue. The teachers were all over the place {like the Libary, or in a Class room..etc.}. But this picture was mega funnie to me {I am sure that
Joy is laughing before she even read this}. They finally found the MONK... Hummms.. i wonder who it is really!!! But I guess all those Monk stories are really real...-jk.

He had grabed a dirty glove and folded it up and threw it at this other girl. When she turned around, she only saw me laughing. So she thought it was me. LOL. So during lunch, I took some of the spoungie thing and put it onto her table that she was working off of- so she thought that Joe did that. ROFLOL. it was great fun. She was getting into it also.
Nothing much new is going on. Been scarpbooking whenever i can, and reading during my breaks {when i am not eating or talking to my older sister}. Esther was laid off, and this guy from Days was fired {because he let some bad parts go to the company.. or something like that.}

So, I think that you will have to wait and see how crazzie or un-crazzie it is. To tell you the truth, i am not sure what i am going to be doing. I guess it'll just be a last minute thing- those are always the best.
Anyways- I love hearing from my friends who are at school. I am missing them loads and loads more. I mainly am missing my friend Jolene...but that is alright. I was looking at David's blog yesterday. It was very awesome to see that there are still some crazzie times going on. I use to hear about some crazzieness from my roomie Ali.. but i havn't really been able to talk to her much. She is busy, and well, i tend to write out long emails {so it takes those who read them at school years to read it and to reply back.}.. I know that we talked on the phone one time, and she told me about her crazzie roomies and how they got a Footon {sp} into their room--which is on the 2nd floor. Crazzieness. I miss those Crazzie times- but then again, I make up my own crazzieness here. Like today, I was able to pick on Kaytie {from the time she got up to the time she thought about going to bed}.. To tell you the truth- i was the one who woke her up. I went into the room and took her pillow.. then took her covers.. then tickled her, then well, what every sister does- tease her. It was great fun. I don't get to do that much- seeing how I go to work before the kids get home from school, and they are all asleep when i come home from work. O-wells.
Soo.. this is a random post from Crazzie ME!!! Hope you enjoyed it-- and if not, Then go read another blog {ya don't have to read}..!!! Well, have a great random day!!
There was a man who taught at a christian school and the school started going liberal, so he decided to go look for another college to teach at.. on his way to the other school for an interview he saw a very old Catholic school and it was very pretty. He had this strong urge to go and talk to the nuns about the place and to buy it. Which they gave him a great deal on and he baought it and without any teachers and any students he started this school.
Word got out and students started to apply and teachers asked to work for him. The first year.. which was only months from when he first attianed the new school/old catholic school,and God gave him many teachers and many students... about 26 students and 6 teachers. The school grew the next year and has since grown to more then 1000 students and a large staff and facility.
The story goes that the nuns would use the underground tunnels (which have been all closed up in 1990's and are no longer in use) and they would go to the catholic church to spend time with the priests. That there were alot of dead babies laid in those tunnels.. which i must say is just rumors and holds no truth to them.. but that is the story.
The true story of the monk is that there was a man that had thrown himself from the window of the thrid floor window.. the one that is in the music hall where the painos are.. looking towards the mens dorms... and there was a man.. they say that this man (rumors now) roam the halls and is a monk that still haunts that hall.
I did get a small smirk on my face when seeing the picture as the story is a story to scare freshmen and has worked since the beginning of the school. There have been many people that have dressed as the monk and have scared many a frightened freshman. Dr J did it one year when we had a putt putt golf all throughout Main... he scared many people that way.. and it was dark on that floor with light only on the course and he would grab you as you came close to his door. funny really.
Just wanted to give a little mroe detial about the beggining of the school.. since its sad that you don't know it. :P
interesting stories enjoyed reading this post
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