It was early in the morning in Scotland. I wake up and look into the room that was starting to show some light. I climb out of bed and changed into jeans and a t-shirt. I walk quietly down the stairs to the kitchen and grab myself a drink of water and an apple. I put on my shoes and walk outside into the cool air. Looking into the sky, i see a beautiful sun rise beyond the moutians. I walk to a stable and tend to the horses. When they are grassing in the distance, I take a shower and then sit on the porch as i read.
That would be a perfect place to wake up each morning. Waking up knowing that you will see the sunrise each day, and being able to spend your days with horses. I love horses!! I would love to also wake up knowing that i can help someone- somehow. I want to help people with their problems, or with something. I love kids, so if babysitting their kids will help them- then i'll do it. I babysat 3 boys during HS- but the mom always paid me. I felt very bad taking the money from her {even if it was $10}. When i was able to babysit as i was in College, i was able to convience the mom to not pay me. I wouldn't take the money from her, even if i needed it. I love helping someone out, enough to give them my money that i know i would need in the long-run.
I guess, it would be so awesome to wake up to a world where they don't judge you for your looks or by how you grew up. {One big reason why i love this new church i am going to.} I don't like all this killings that are going on. So a world where noone is killing someone just because, would be very wonderful.
OKies.. so this is Fun Monday #10... How would we want to wake up?!!? OKies- for my crazzie side of waking up!!!
It was a new day, and the sun was showing on this wonderful warm morning. I look up as I laid their and see purple carboard! Then I look to my right and see the ally-way that i called "Home". I climb out of my "house" and run to the end of the ally-way. I stop and listen to the cars drive by, then walk back to my "house". Thinking to myself, 'What a wonderful day! Noone is swearing, and noone is mad. Many smiles on the faces of people, and make helpful hand when someone falls. What a wonderful home i have. Noone else in the world has a purple box for their house. '
okies, i really don't want to live in a ally-way or in a box. It's just a crazzie joke i have with a good friend of mine. We claimed that we lived in boxes, then we moved onto cretes, then she moved onto dumbters. The truth of the matter is that we don't really live there... we live in houses. I couldn't mind a picture of a box that was purple!!.. maybe someday i will, and will post it up just because!!!
I agree about waking to world where nobody is judged and I think it's great that you enjoy helping people.
Yes, waking up in Scotland does sound grand. So many problems could be resolved if people would not judge others based on looks or maybe not judge others at all. I hope that your day really is perfect.
enidd thinks a day warm enough for just a t-shirt in scotland is certainly a perfect day. especially if it's on one of the isolated west coast beaches.
This sounds like a perfect way to start the day, that's a lovely photo. Giving your time and helping others is a wonderful gift.
Apple and glass of water. Interesting choice.
I hear an apple is as clever as a cup of coffee for waking up the system.
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