I think that it is kinda sad seeing how people are so against those who are Muslims. Sure there are some Muslims who maybe shouldn't even be here in the USA.. but there are also those who are not Muslims that shouldn't even be here in the USA too. I have nothing against Muslims, because i know that there are a few very good people who are Muslims.
Sure, i may not like what they believe, or how they treat each other and others around them... but that doesn't mean i should be against them all. The Bible says we are to love those who hate us and to love those who are our nieghbor. So, why can't a Muslim family be my neighbor? In HS, I became friends with a girl who was Muslimic. I told her what I believed, and she told me what she believed. I wasn't trying to make her believe what I believe, and i know that she wasn't trying to make me believe what she believes either {even if she was, it wouldn't have worked.} I think that it is amazing how these Muslimic girls are willing to out in public wearing a covering over their head and not worry about whats in style too much. It's almost like they make up their own style--which is pretty cool.

What a blessing it is to have a sister by your side. These two girls {Sade and Megan} were two girls out of many who were able to go to Oprah's school for girls. I had watched the show that was on t.v about this, and it gave the background to a few of the girls, as well as these girls. Their dad had a gun and shot their mom then shot himself in front of these two girls when they were only 5 and 6 years old. They've been together living with their grandma since. But they are not mad at their dad for doing that, they forgive him because they know that the Lord already did. They have a strong faith in the Lord, and they keep on smiling each day {or so i think they do.} Sade is the out-going one and Megan is the shy one. {She had admitted that,,, that is how i know this.}
Koketso is a girl who had asked Oprah, "After graduating from the Acadamey, if we want to go get further schooling, who will pay?" {or something along that line..} and Oprah said that she would pay for it. Koketso started crying. In Africa, they have to pay for school.. and alot of these kids have a hard time paying for it. Just like this one girl whose grandma is working so many hours and still have to borrow money in order for her to go to school each year.

Now- don't worry, I shall not marry someone who is a Muslim. I am wanting a man who believes everything i believe. A marriage wouldn't last if the two can't believe and do things together.
Beauty is where the heart is- and when God is in control. It's wonderful how we judge poeple and yet forget that we are to be judged by God. We should be more focused on pleasing Him rather than man or self. We often forget that God comes before us. I did my own little devotional today- and it was amazing with what i came across... Wait on the Lord. We are to wait for Him, and be ready. Just like that story about those virgins who had to wait... hlaf of them wasn't ready and had to go get oil and the other half was ready and went on. When the half came back, they couldn't go further than seeing the front door.
Just like that story- we are to be ready for the Lord... We need to keep going to Him, and keep Him close to our hearts. I find it is so easy to go to someone else for advice rather than going to God. As I was doing my Devotions today- I got thinking that maybe I am not ready for the Lord to come now... But I should really start getting ready. I been more focused on if i will be able to go back to school or not- when really i should be focusing on the Lord and knowing for sure that I have a place in His heart.

Koketso is a girl who had asked Oprah, "After graduating from the Acadamey, if we want to go get further schooling, who will pay?" {or something along that line..} and Oprah said that she would pay for it. Koketso started crying. In Africa, they have to pay for school.. and alot of these kids have a hard time paying for it. Just like this one girl whose grandma is working so many hours and still have to borrow money in order for her to go to school each year.
Stuff like this makes me very glad that i was born in America. I do hope that someday, i can maybe help people like this.. even if it's in a small way. I am a giver, and i will be willing to give my heart out to someone if it'll help them one way or another. I may not have alot of money, but i have alot of heart and alot of free hugs {but after so many one must pay....jk}
Life is too short to be mad at someone, or to get angry at something. I know there are so many people who gets very mad at those who can't drive, or can't do something a certain way- but why get mad when ya can just be glad that ya are able to be in that car, or able to see a different way of doing something. One may never know that what ya said to someone was going to be ya last words to them.
Life is too short to be mad at someone, or to get angry at something. I know there are so many people who gets very mad at those who can't drive, or can't do something a certain way- but why get mad when ya can just be glad that ya are able to be in that car, or able to see a different way of doing something. One may never know that what ya said to someone was going to be ya last words to them.
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