I got into Scrapbooking when I was in Middle School. I was always on my own and didn't really do much outside. Never really had many friends close to me to be able to do things. So, one day I did a Scrapbook. It wasn't all that great, but it was ok. I used whatever i had laying around- cryans or stamps.. etc. A year later, I took that book apart and redid it. I did better than I thought i would. Years later, people found out that I was into scrapbooking or card-making, so they would give me things {like paper or whatnots}. And now, i don't know what to do with things at times.. I use to be able to use a huge desk to do my work- but now, i just have a lil space. But I don't really need a huge space in order to do a great job. If you don't believe that my job is good- just ask Joy.. I did her Wedding book for her. I had a blast, and I would love to make more--for anyone! Joy tells me I should go into a business for that, but i am not sure how to go abouts it. O-wells!!

After a huge branch fell onto the house and went through my lil sister {Kaytie} and my room, we took everything out of the room and moved it into my older sister's room. Then after the guys came and fixed the wall, Kaytie and I painted the room {well, she and the twins mainly did it because i had to work at my job.} We painted it purple with a light blue "spounged" onto it. Well, it looks more like a mess than anything else. So Kaytie has her own room, finally!.. and I.. well, i am just all over the place. My things are in Joy's old room {also with many boxes and stuff and junk and whatnots--not shown in pics because of how messy it is..} I love to read and enjoy reading whenever i can. If I am not reading, then i am writing or blogging or chatting or working or sleeping. Not too hard to find me
. I find that using jars or shoe-boxes can come into use for many things. Tho it looks like i have food there on the 2nd shelf.. it is not food.. It is indeed where i keep my quarters {a good use for when i am at school... laundry isn't cheap..} I know- it looks like a mess.. and it pretty much is.. But i know where things are..if not, it's around in that small area .. Gotta make-do with what ya got.
Well, there's my scrapbooking side of me!! Hope it doesn't scare ya... Work-- it's going alright. I work on the same job over and over and do get tired of it. But- I know that it's not my life-time job.. i think i want to die before having that job forever... But the plus side of working- is that i get to talk to Esther during our breaks. She is such a blessing and is funnie. Like today, She asked me for my phone to call her man because she left her phone at home. After she called him and left a loving message {with me in the background saying "See YA" as she was hanging up}, she went to move her sweater and found that her phone was in the pocket.. LOL. So, now i have her man's number...
.. Nah, i won't do anything.. If i knew him, then i might give him a buzz and say "Hey, whats up!!?!".. But i dont' know him..only met the man one time and he was sitting on the other side of the room at the time too.. O-wells. Yeah- if you don't know me, ya soon find that my title fits me very well..2Crazzie4u...
wow you really did get some use out of the book shelfs I left behind and the crates... that is great! Makes me want to go home to see it.. I will have to talk Chris into taking me to Michigan some time. I miss you all and I am hopeing that me and Chris will be able to spend some time with you all. I want him to know you all better.. oh and feel free to call Chris as well... he used to get calls from the Twins all the time.. but they stoped calling and no one else ever calls him.. he just doesn't know if you all like him or not.. and I don't blame him.
I really want him to get to know you all and to love you all as I do.. and to pick on KT like I do and to make fun of the twins like everyone does.. and to adore and cherish you like everyone in the world does. That's it.
Scrapbooking sounds like a great hobby. You are obviously very creative.
Storage is always a problem and as soon as you throw something out you need it -well that's what happens to me anyway.
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