People make Valentines Day into something that one must have a mate in order to enjoy a day, or one must do something special for someone on that one day. But what a blessing it is when we can love others and show that love to them- it doesn't have to be with one person, it can be with many {family members, close friends, pets, etc...}. For Valentines, it was such a huge blessing. Esther and I, during our breaks, read the Bible together and prayed for our co-workers. It was very awesome.
I love being single and not having to worry about a guy. I have plenty of options and i don't have to pick one just now. Waiting is the journey that we all have to take, and i am on that journey right now. Who knows- i might be better off being single for the rest of my life, but i am not alone- I have God.

What a blessing it is to be able to love someone. I love my sisters and my brothers and my parents and even my friends. I love being able to help people and love making them smile. I also love encouraging people, even for random things. I love being random and yet being serious. Mostly, I just love being able to be alone at times, as well as being around people.
I just love reading your posts expecially when your speak of your salvation from sin. :) Isn't God so good to us. He not only gave us life He gave us many reasons to live. :)And you are one of my good reasons :)
Awwwwwwws.. Sam!! You are such a blessing to me!! I am glad that i didn't scare you off.. I am sure that John would've asked me to marry him.. but you got in the way.. jk.. Nah, I am sure i wouldn't have. But he is a great guy, and i do love him {as a brother in Christ}.
It's true.. God is soo good to us, and yet, we are just sinners {well, Saved Sinners}. Many reasons are good- but the big one is to Glorify His name and to make Him kwown.. What a blessing it is to have that job- even if it's soo hard at times.
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