Fun Monday!!
#1- Post the view from the front door.
#2- Post baby pictures of yourself.
#3- Post the 1st post that came to your mind.
So- I posted the 1st two already.. So what is the 1st post that came to mind? Well, it came from none-other than my 2nd year Dorm-Sup, Heather. She posts many silly, challenging, sad, lovely, Godly postes. But this one that came to mind is a silly one. I wasn't there, but the story is very silly- sounds like something Joy and I would do on Kaytie. The post is called- Gould 102. {click to see post}. Why did this one came to mind? Well, because it reminds me of school, and because it is very Crazzie. I love crazzie-fun things. The second post came to mind would be one that i read recently from some random blog- that really ended being more then one random blog that has it.. but it is of that one prank that soem business people gang up and put post-it-notes all over a guy's car {the car that he loves very much}.. so they covered the whole thing up with all the different color post-it-notes. Anyways- back the the 1st one. I didn't really know Keelin that well- maybe saw her around once in a while {maybe by her running away from her roomies or after her roomies-- kinda remind me of Jolene and I} But this post is so much what that room was about--Crazzie!
So that is my #3 for Fun Monday. Now some of you are thinking.. What is Fun Monday? Well, Mondays are not really all that fun- but in blog world, it can be fun. I ran across someone's blog that was into this, and i clicked on some of their pals and they were into it too. It sounds like Fun. As long as it is clean- i'll do it. And so far, it is clean.. If you want to see more baby-pics, i have them posted somewhere. Someday in time I had posted quite a bit of baby-pics.
CUTE! you are so very cute yes you are.. you look like the 5 yr old dayna I remember taking to school and watching run with Jay.. I remember how you looked then and you look that way now.. it also looks like you lost wieght.. good for you!! Yeah! *does happy dance for you*
I can see why this post reminded you of school it reminded me of my days as a student nurse.
nice family.
Thanks for being a part of Fun Monday. I will have to come back on a slower-paced broom to catch up on your posts and learn more about you. Also, thanks for continuing to visit me, even though I've not had the time to reciprocate.
Dayna! It's so exciting to have you with us for Fun Monday! You have a fascinating site. Warning...Fun Monday isn't ALWAYS so clean, so we need someone who will set a good example!!
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