Kaytie Graduations went pretty well--- kinda boring really. There were people fighting over seats and then people yelling names out {someone they know who was Graduating..} it was crazzie.. Kaytie went to a Senior All Night party- and she had a blast.. but i had a great time playing games with Jayme and just having him around.

We went out to the mall and walked around. We saw some carts out- so we brough them in... but as we did that, we had to be silly somehow.. Greg looks like he is mean-- i guess that is what you are supposed to look like when you are pushing a cart around.. As we were at the mall- Greg and Jayme was sitting on a thing and i took a picture of them on there.. then a cop came by and told us that we are not supposed to sit on that and not we are not allowed to take pictures... Now that is just crazzie---no picture taking as you are at a mall??? Why not? O-wells.

After the mall- we went off to see POC3. Kaytie and I rode with Jayme and the twins rode with Dad. I was sitting in the front and i took a picture of Kaytie--- and when i looked at the picture i've taken, this is what i saw... LOL.. She is one silly girl. She almost looks like my old roomate-Alison... soo funnie..

We went out for a walk the other day- So Jayme hurriedly finished off my bowl of Rice--- Busted!!! O-wells. Yes- this is how he alwyas eats.... it's true!
So that is my great time of Jayme being home. playing games, doing things, or just talking, or going for walks. It was a blast- and i am ever so glad that he was able to come down.
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