Kim {Esther's sister} picked me up today for church {Kaytie didn't go because she was out hanging with a friend} and on the way to Esther's place, we got talking about school. I do miss school ever so much, but i know that once i leave here- i will miss them ever so much. They all have a place in my heart. It was very nice to talk to Kim a bit. It seemed like her needed some encouragement, and I was glad to give some out to her.

At church {we visited another church, because Pastor John was preaching there.. turned out to be his old Pastor... which is pretty cool..} he spoked about how God created us in His image and how He gave us each breathe. He talked a little about Ps 139:14... and he said that he looked at it at another way and it said, "You are Full of Wonder and Full of Fear".. to be a man or a woman of God, we need to be fearfully---full of fear. But we are also to be wonderfully-- full of wonder. Which is very true. Ps 139:14, is indeed my fav. verse- mainly because it helped me to see that I am really wonderful- even if i don't think so at times.
On the way back from church, Jeral was driving- Esther was sitting in front of me, and two of her 3 daughters was sitting next to me.. We got talking about dating.. it was very interesting to hear a guy's side of dating thing.. and it's pretty cool how Jeral's thinking is alot like mine. To tell you the truth, i am really starting to like Jeral. Each week, i am liking him a bit more and more. But i keep myself back, because i am not really sure if he is the right one for me.. besides, i am sure he wouldn't wanna date a white girl.
I think it is ever so funnie... Pastor John is always saying, "do something different, something you never do or would ever do.." there at church-- and as he is saying that, he is looking at me. LOL. I have to laugh, because being at that church is something different and new. I can't be like they are right away- because i grew up differently then they did. I grew up in a church where ya have to be quiet {unless saying Amen here and there- but the guys usually does that}, and when we sing, ya stand in one spot and sing from there- not all over the place. At church, we shake hands and hug a few people... but at my new church... it is soooooo different. I am still trying to get use to of it all. They can't really expect me to do this 100% change within a few weeks.. it'll take more than a few weeks for me to get use to of a few things.. then after that then a few more things.. And i am still trying to get to know them all- and it is hard, because they pretty much grew up with each other {mainly because they are family..} But they are all very encouraging and supportive, and i am with them too {or so they tell me anyways.}
I gave a card to Jana'e, because her birthday was last week {told her i was going to give her a card- but it'll be late because i didn't know how to spell her name.. she just laughed at me.}. So her mom, Gina, was showing off the card to a few ladies at this church we were visiting- and they came up to me and said that the card was very beautiful. Hehehe... i guess they like pink too.. LOL.. Jana'e told me that she loves pink- so i made a Pink card {thats like the only color that i used besides white.. LOL}.. Anyways- it made me feel good to hear these ladies tell me that.
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