Today was indeed a beautiful day outside- very bright and lovely... but the temparture was indeed COLD!! But my day was ever so amazing- because i was able to be reminded of how much He loves me as it was sunny outside. It was as if He was telling me "Dayna, I am the light of the World!! I am here and I love you!!" What an amazing love note that is!! :D
I am ever so glad for my friends that i've made!! They each hold something special and they each encouage me in different ways- or just remind me of things that i forgotten.. I am just blessed for the Godly friends i've made as i've been here.
I am ever so glad for my friends that i've made!! They each hold something special and they each encouage me in different ways- or just remind me of things that i forgotten.. I am just blessed for the Godly friends i've made as i've been here.

Then i started to get more and more involved with different activities at church.
The more i spent time with them, the more i got to know them. Its just awesome how the Lord placed me in a group of wonderful people who doesn't judge ya or who are just "too good" to be ya friend. These people accpeted me into their group really fast, and i enjoy hanging out with them and just doing silly things yet being able to talk about what He is doing in our lives or what we got out of the reading that we are going over. We are all so different, yet we can all come together and just praise the Lord!! You can't beat that at all. I am just ever so blessed with these friends i've made here.
Then on the same site i met Eric, i met Stephen. Stephen just has been a great friend.. and i honestly am starting to like him alot. But not to worry, we are only being friends. If the Lord wants me to be with Stephen, then He'll show me. For now, i am just focusing on Christ. I am encouraging Stephen to also stay focus on Christ {just like he does with me}.. and it turned out that i am also encouraging him in other ways too.. I didn't even know that i was or even trying to. Such as his schooling. He is taking classes so he can be a Mechanic- so i guess just having a friend he is excited to share what he is learning in class.. Although it all goes over my head alot, i am always excited to hear about it. I am also ever so glad that God is the center of this friendship also..
I love how we can praise His name together and just be thankful for the little things that comes our ways. I enjoy telling him whats on my mind or how my day went. Stephen is very silly yet very serious too. I love that. Although he is slowly learning that it's ok to throw things back at me... but i am sure he'll get the hang of things soon enough...hahaha.

So last night i got talking to this random guy named David. At 1st he seemed very nice. Wanting to be a pastor someday, and knows the Bible very well. But then after he realized that i was giving the baby up for adoption, he started to tell me what the Lord's will was for my life. which is to keep the baby, marry him, and never talk to another guy again because i have finally found my man!! {according to him anyways}. He says that he has been praying for a woman like me and waited 6 years and now just wants to make me happy. So today after going through this yet again with him.. i ended up telling him that i liked someone. I guess he got really jealous and said that he didn't want me to be talking to any other guys.. that a true relationship is taking the effort to get to know one person and not waste your time or others by getting to know them when you have someone. I truly don't know where he got that from.. but OK!! At least he isn't bothering me anymore... so i am happy about that!! YAYS!!
So.. thats that for now!! :D till next time... Adios!!
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