Its amazing how much the Bible tells us about today and how we live now. We can still apply the same messages the people back then were applying to their lives--just a little different. Like don't ride a drunken camel back then and now don't drink and drive. :D but seriously... i think it's amazing how we can still stand up for what it right- even if we are to die because of it {like the muslim people coming to know Christ and being beaten because of it}... they were being beaten also back then.. We can read the Bible and think that they had it easy- but i am very sure that they didn't. They still had to face people who wanted nothing to do with Christ.. in fact- people wanted to kill Christ because He would help others out {on Sabbeth}.. I think that we should be willing to help others- no matter what day it is... rather it be just giving them a helping hand with something or a listening ear.
I am indeed pretty excited about going to see my friend Stephen in CA. I wanted to go to TX- but Sam wouldn't have room for me, and i would only feel like a burden if i was to go to Joy's {even tho she recently told me that i wouldn't be... but they are going through alot too}. I just wanted to get away from Juneau just for a small bit- and was tempted to go to Hans's place with him... but then something told me to go to Stephen's. So i am. I like him- but we are just friends and going to stay friends for a long time. we were both in need of a friend when we met, and we both want to keep this friendship focus on Christ. And so we are indeed. :D I enjoy hearing whats going on with him and how the Lord is changing something in his own life {like how he use to drink and after he came to know Christ as his Savior he stopped drinking }. Not to worry-we won't be doing anything crazzie {like things that freinds don't do}.
Joy thinks that just because i am emotional- that all my decisions that i make are emotional only now... Like regiving Him my life was emotional- or knowing that i found the right family was emotional... but i honestly am not basing anything off of emotion.. I'm letting God take control of everything and He is leading me this way and that way and through this and through that and over that and under this and around that... etc... It's amazing how much i have changed since i came here and how much i am going to change and it's not at all emotional only..
But i agree with Joy- I am not ready to date anyone yet.. I just got out of a relationship with Juan and am still needing to deal with this pregnancy.. I do not long to be with Juan, or even hear from him at all {tho, i know that i will at times, because he really wants me to be "friends" with him... like he always wanted us to be..}. I enjoy having friends who are helping me through this pregnancy and are letting me know that they are there if i need them. I enjoy my friends here in AK, and even online {like Stephen and Eric} and even from MBBC {like Sam and Jo}.
It's so much fun being able to do things with my friends here. Like going to a Bible Study Thursday Nites, playing Basketball and Volleyball on Saturday Nites, and seeing each other at church Sunday Morning. My b-day party was a blast, and those that went enjoyed a day outting at the bowling and at my apartment. I am glad that they decided to go bowling after church this past weekend instead of snowboarding-- i was able to hang out with them. It turned out to be a blast {and about 15 or so came}.
I am starting to show in my pregnancy, but not many people are able to see it yet {being that i wear baggy clothes at times... for surely my hoodies b/c it's COLD!!}. I am enjoying being preg. and love feeling the lil guy kick--even tho it's keeping me up at night sometimes. I don't mind.. I get to work this week and part of next week.. get a week off of work {and have the house to myself}, then leave to go to CA to hang out with Stephen. I am indeed excited about all of this.
Today as i was writing in my journal i couldn't believe how far into the journal i already am.. I started in the beginning of Nov, and now i am almost 1/2 way done with the book. My last one lasted a few years from like 05-08.. Guess i have alot to say now-a-days.... :D told ya my life is changing around lately. :D I'll end it here!! till my next post- Later Gators!!!
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