Oh Man!!! What a Crazzie Day i had!! Was told in the morning that there would be some guys coming in to switch refridgators about the time i need to leave to drop Delaney off of school.. So i waited for them as long as i could... but they never showed and i didn't passed them.. Getting Delaney, Jameson and the dog into the car was a crazzie job today-- but that's ok.. it's what kids do best. After dropping Delaney off, and making it back home safely with Jameson falling asleep in the car.. i was able to get a smal break as Jameson slept. {YAYS for breaks!}. Then Mr. Charter and his step-son Mike came to work on the stairs for a bit. {Which the fam is getting a new set of stairs to an empty area- and will make it into a library}.
Jameson got up and was all over the place in my apartment.. he was crying up a storm and i didn't know why. He was fed, watered {had his own bottle thing filled with water} and didn't need a diaper change. He didn't want to be held, but didn't want to be left alone or play with anything. I sure wanted to put duct-tape on him..but he got lucky that i don't know where there is duct-tape {jk..}.. i wouldn't really do that.. just felt like it. When i took the dog outside to go potty, Jameson was of course by the door crying until i came in... and just walked away as if nothing happen.

As they were doing that- i was watching the kids. Delaney was crying her lil eyes out and throwing herself a trantram... so i ignored her as she was sitting near a corner pouting about having to stay downstairs {usually she just wants to stay down-stairs.. o-wells}..
So i played with Jameson.. we "colored"... more like grabbing the cryons and draw a line then try to dump the bucket of cryons to the floor.. hahaha.. then we went to play in the pool of balls.. As soon as Delaney saw that Jameson was having fun without her- she slowly crept her way to where we were. {she had finally stoped crying by now} and then started playing with us. Then i grabed out my phone and she was all wanting pictures taken.. then when i started shooting vidoes-- she wanted me to take her doing this or that.. hahaha.. {of course i also deleted about 98% of them}. Then when it was time to go upstairs- she was in a better mood.. YAYS!! It was fun playing around with them.

Then my busy day got not so busy!! I was able to make myself something to eat, and relax... so i came online and thought i'll just write out my busy day.. I shall go ahead and read for awhile!! YAYS for time to read! :D
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