I am ever so blessed to have friends here. Even though i can't just talk to them all the time, i know that they are there for me.. I love getting to know them and being able to praise the Lord along with them. So far- the closest friend i have here is Hans.. mainly because i am able to spend more time with him than with the others. But i don't get to talk to him a whole lot- because of school. I have 2 very close friends from online.. Eric and Stephen. I am ever so blessed with both of them. I enjoy talking with them both each day and getting to know them more and more.
So in my Bible reading {of Hebrews} I came to the verses {11-12} that says "And every prist standest daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God:" This is saying that we are all still standing because we are not done with our job {telling others about Christ} and we can't sit down till we are done, and honestly- we are not done nor will be anytime soon unless Christ comes or we die. But Christ's job is done when He took upon Himself our sins and paid the debt. When He said "It is finished" He meant it--- IT IS INDEED FINISHED!! So He sits down to rest- just like God rested the 7th day of creation. {in pic is Tom Ferrell, another good preacher i like!!.. I remember how he broke the prodium one year at camp--- but thats another story..}
In the book that i am reading- it got talking about how Christ brings us to our desires- Just like he did with the blind man that He healed. Or like the rich young ruler who didn't want to give up his riches. He has them see where their desires are at before He can work on them- or not. He brings desires to us and even gives us new ones. The desires that we do have- if it can be focus on Him, then it can be used of good {like the desire to be married.. He doesn't let us not have that desire- but if it's focus on Him, then the marriage that we do have will be a blessed one}.
So i am about done with the 3rd chapter of that book, and seem to be interested it in and writing tons of notes in it {which means its a good book to like read again later on with my notes}. A few more books came in the mail today- am excited to start reading a few of them..but will wait a lil whle before i do. {this way, i am not reading 10 books at once and getting confuzzled with whats being said}.
So i've been researching about Mennenites... and each site i go to talks about coverings... yet whatever photos they share, noone is wearing a covering. Just makes me wonder if they live what they preach- like really!! I know that Eric was telling me how he is kinda against girls wearing pants {and has Scripture to back him up on it}- yet i notice that the pics on all these sites are girls wearing pants. But over all- it seems like Mennonites believe alot of things we do but mainly Saved by Grace and not by works. Which is indeed important!! I enjoy learning about the Mennonites-- just wish they would give more information out for someone who doesn't know much about them.. 0-wells. life goes on. If i knew what to ask- i'd ask Eric, but i'm not sure what to ask.
well- guess thats my life for now!! Friends and reading... Oh yeah- Kids... Kids here are alright.. the parents are wanting them to be in my apartment or in the toy room more.. so i have been doing that... trying to keep Jameson away from buttons and away from pulling things off my shelf is a "fun" task. other than that- he is normally good and loves to play with toys-or open and close doors or just hit a toy into something making a banging noise {grrrs.. i mean.. Ahhh sweet sound}.. Delaney is usually good- but does have her cranky moments.. She just needs to learn how to ask better. she knows how to- but doesn't. I don't always give her what she wants because of how she asks me and i let her know that too. She knows better- and will learn that she can't always have what she wants and when she wants it.
Will find out if i am having a boy or a girl on Kaytie's b-day. :D Am excited to see the Ultrasound-would love to have a friend or two see that too... I love sharing my joy with others and would love to share this joy with those around me. I am feeling the baby kicking more and more now.. i like it- strange ah?. My belly is starting to be round like a preg lady {wait--- i am preg.. DUHH!!}. and soon i shall be showing- i just know it. I am alil scared abou that--because i will be fat.. yet i know that it won't be forever... so i am ok with it... I guess i can wait till after i am preg to try to lose the weight that i wanted to lose. {another 20-30 lbs and that'll be it}. Would love to be about 120-130 instaed of 140-150... but we will see when the time comes that this lil one comes out and the weight i gain from it is gone...
k.. that is it for now- that i can't think of any else right now!! Till next post- Later!!
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