In Hebrews, I have been chellenged to stand firm in Him. Why would i want to go elsewhere? He is the reason i live, the only One who can really be there for me. he made Himself lower than the angels just to pay the debt that i could never pay for anyone-not even myself. He is the same today, yesterday, and forever-why would i want to go to a "god" that isn't the same but changes?
O'may i not be hardening my heart as i am tempted but to be open and to go to Him when i am tempted. If we hear His voice- O'may we reply "Yes Master, thy servant heareth!" and may we do what He tells us-even if we don't want to go to that place {like Jonah}. If we don't believe the truth that is given us, then how will we believe Christ?? We need to search the Word-and see if the preacher is indeed telling the truth of the bible. May we continue to work till He comes. Serving Him shouldn't be just a job, but be a motive to do our best always and to strive to be better.
I am really seeing how much communication means a whole lot.. Why won't someone talk things out? It only destroys relationships. Mom and Dad didnt' talk to each other much and because of it they suffereed alot. I am sure they could've been much more blessed in their relationship had they talked things through instead of argueing or ignoring each other.
I am indeed finding it worth w hile to get into God's Word.. The more i read the more i want to tell others and the more i tell others the more i want to read the bible. I just long to have someone to be able to tell me what they are getting out of the Bible too. Someone who wants to listen to me and be encouraged yet tell me too so that i may be encouraged also.
I am slowly starting to open up more to my friends and showiong off this new me that i am today. I got talking to his girl name Jessica and i realized how mature i have become already-though i do still need to grow.. but at least this is a great start. O'may i continue to grow in Him and be more mature in my walk with Him. I am not only all about being silly or feeling alone- i am now all about serving God and knowing that I'm not alone-ever-.
I am excited to see where God is leading me, and to see how He is going to lead me there. And He will lead me all the way as long as I am willing to give Him control each step of the way.
Been feeling the need to talk to people- so i've decided to write in my journal alot and also look for people who are willing to listen to me and to encourage me. I am ever so thankful that i am starting to get a bit closer to the friends i've made here.. but i do feel kinda out of place with them all being in school and knowing each other very well. It's amazing how the Lord is working in my heart and i just want to share it with others. i guess this is one of the new desires He has placed in my heart. But i guess writing in my blog alot from now on may help me slow down on wanting to just talk to people- Because most of them are just mega busy with school and work and other things. I do not like bothering people-so i try to find ways not to bother them too much.
Well... thats it for now- I am sure that this isn't the end of this new journey that i am taking. A journey to serve God more and to let Him have control of my life Always!!
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