The weather here today has been a huge encouragement to me..as if God is saying- "Look at me!" There was a beautiful sunrise this morning {cloudy as can be, but a section showing off the sun's ray and brightens te land and the mountians in the distance.} then i went to take Hiedi {dog} outside and saw my fav. kinda of clouds-as if God was saying "Dayna, I care about you and know you. I want you to be happy and you will as long as I am in control!" that just made my want to read the Bible more-and so i finished John...and was amazed at how much i was reminded of Jesus's death for me {and everyone}. I was encouraged to remember Christ and what he went through. I remember Doctrine {and theology} calss and all that we talked about on this {Christ's death}. to know that i don't have to go through that- and that it's all paid and He gave me much more...it just does wonders to me.
As i was playing with Delaney with barbies {mainly just holding the thing as we watched Enchanted for the millioneth time}- I looked outside and saw a rainbow. God promised not to flood the world again. But when i saw this rainbow {5th one since i've been here} I was reminded of how much he loves me-as if he was saying "remember me-for I have loved you first! I bring the colors into your life as well as brightening your life!"
Then i had to take Hedi out again and was amazed at how blue the sky was and filled with only my fav. clouds..it took my breath away-and i was all in smiles as i was looking at it. As much as i am in love with someone, i haven't lost my breath like i have today. Amazing! Someone to me is indeed amazing too--but that is all in God's timing. All i can do is wait and try to give Him {God} everything-even my love for this someone.
I recently regiven my life to the Lord- and have only been amazed at how He is already working in my life. I fell in love with someone over the past few weeks- something came up and now my heart is broken. I am ever so confused and yet i just want to talk things out and work it out with this guy... but it seems like he just wants time to himself only. It pains me ever so to not be able to talk things out with him and just get our focus onto God... but i cannot force him to talk to me- he needs to talk to me when he is ready to talk.. and i pray that we can at least still be friends--no matter how much i do care for him.
I was aching to just to talk to someone and a random guy Imed me earlier today on a site i was on.. and was only amazed at how much our conversation was on God more than anything else. It was amazing and i long to have more conversations like that with people--for surely with this certian someone that i care deeply about. This random guy that i had talked to had mentioned in his profile that he has a tender heart... and it got me thinking- what a nifty way of saying that he wears his heart on his sleeves. :D
I am also wanting to learn how to mature better. I am determined to become a better woman after God's own heart. I asked Jayme to send me my copy of the book "A Woman After God's Own heart".. I have tons of notes in there that i know will encourage me and help me out now. I am seeing that i am growing a lot since i came here.. and meeting this someone only made me a better woman of God than i was before. I only pray that i was of some help to him too and had encouraged him to continue to fellow God more. To me- from the day i met him and till now, i see that he has indeed grown into a better man.
So- this post is indeed very personal... but i just wanted to get it out and just come back to it someday later and be encouraged that i had done the right thing- or something.
O--if you are reading this... and you have any suggestions or advise as to how i can better mature myself in many areas {i am not sure of them all.. was only commented from someone that it seemed like i was immature... so now i am determined to be better}.. then please do tell me... I would love to hear them. Just tell me how it is.. don't just sugar coat it at all...
1 comment:
Dayna~ Thank you for sharing! It was an encouragement and challenge to hear about your focus on God's love for you. Email me? (I still have my school account) I'm right there with you on needing to mature. In fact, even my bf told me so. ;) But I'm reading a book that is helping me to love and obey God's commands to think on truth. I'd love to talk to you... you can call anytime and if you're ever in pa, you're always welcome. ~Emily
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