There still is light- and He is the Light of the World. He lights my pathway and maketh a way for me through trails {not to go through it but to go through it with our minds set on Him}.
I am beginning to see that a true relationship after God's own heart has to be with both people working together to Honour Him and to give Him all the glory. How can one person be on fire for God and the other not and still call it a godly relationship? There just isn't any way that could be. Both people need to encourage one another and by doing that they need to be in His Word 1st and to be seeking after Him 1st. Then they can encourage their friend or mate. It helps out loads when they can also encourage you too.
The past few days i got talking to this guy name Stephen. It's been ever so encouraging to be ble to encourage him and have him also encourage me too. His testimony is just amazing. He was in the Navy when this Christian was talking about Christ. Noone wanted to listen to him, but Stephen did and was interested in what he was saying. So the guy gave him a Bible to read. Stephen read in the back one day of how to give the Gospel to someone.. and as He was reading, he realized that He needed Christ in his own heart 1st. So he came to know the Lord as his Savior and have been changing his life around ever so much. There is more to it than just that- but i thought that this is just amazing and just know that there will be many who will see Christ through him and want to know Christ.
It's only been a few days that Stephen and I talked- and somehow i know that this is going to be a great friendship. He is very sweet and just want to know more about the Lord.

Since moving here to Ak, i've been able to start some very wonderful friendship with people who loves the Lord and am seeing that i need to be a friend who loves the Lord too. All my relationships i have now with my friends are God-centered. I am finding that i enjoy hearing what the Lord is working on their hearts about. Hans and I got talking last night, and it was just ever so encouraging to just praise the Lord together. I told him what i was learning and in return he started telling me what he was getting out of the Bible. I wasn't expecting it at all-but was very glad that he did..made me realized how encouraging it is to hear other testimonies of what the Lord is doing. I am ever so thankful for the friends i am making here and just praise the Lord each day for them.
I know that Saturday will be ever so wonderful..just having a good time, yet praising the Lord together. I think that i might just ask someone to give a blessing before i even blow out the candles. This way- we are giving all the glory to Him and letting Him know that He is indeed invited to the party. Yays!! I do hope that the people are not planning on giving me much gifts.. the only gift i want is for them to show up and just have a great time. That is way better than anything they could ever give me.

Well.. this will be it for now- May you have a blessed day!!
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