So much has happen within a few months. I have moved in with my sister to help her out with rent and with the kids. But, I miss Alaska and I miss working with these two kids. I miss the parents and I even kinda miss the crazzie dog yapping away. I felt so much apart of their family that I surely didn't want to part ways at all. I do know that I could have been able to make it on my own in Alaska while the family moved away. I could have stayed with a friend till I got my own place and car. I could have worked at the preschool and maybe get a night-time job at Freddies or somewhere. But alas, God called me to Texas for a reason. I am not sure what that reason is at all right now. I am jobless, carless, and friendless here. My relationship with my boyfriend seems to be drifting away and I am feeling alone {even in a room filled with people}.

So far, I have gone to the park a few times, ate out, went to the movies, and to the mall. My niece seems to not like me very much- even tho I am the only aunt that seems to play with her and try to do fun things with her. So, it makes me not want to do much of anything with her {for surely when she is mocking me and being mean to me}. My nephew seems to love me tons. He smiles a lot at me and I can even get him to laugh. He is fun to be around.

The view from Alaska to Texas surely is different. There are NO mountains here, and no ocean or as much wild life like there is in Alaska. I miss the sun coming up at 3 am and going down at 12am. I miss all the rain they get. I miss the roads and how un-traffic it is. I miss my friends there tons. I have fallen in love with Alaska.

I have indeed found beauty within this flat land that they call Texas. And my niece isn't always bad- just when she isn't being good. They have a lot of sunshine here, and a lot of bugs, and a lot of crazzie drivers and a lot of beautiful sunsets.
I was able to get an update on my son. He is such a cutie. I am super excited that he likes singing, and is into sports. I wonder what the Lord has in store for him. I just know that he is going to have a lot of girls after him... kinda like Justin Bieber. haha. I watched his documentary of Around the World tour. It's pretty crazzie how people are. But it is super awesome how he likes to interact with his fans and do free concerts for them.
Anyways- that's my life right now...
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