"Plain people" seem to be very different from us "normal people". But no matter how different we may be, we are all the same in many ways. We are all human being, and we all came from One. The way we live may be different from each other. I often wonder what it would be like to live their life style. For a week, a month or a year or two. I wouldn't mind wearing a dress and a "prayer cap" everyday. The hardest thing for me will have to be working with no music. I can easily get use to of getting up very early, and working like the woman do. But to sew without any music will have to be very hard. But the best thing that I am sure that I would enjoy, would have to be all the cooking the woman have to do. I love learning how to make things, and to learn it from handmade would be very sweet. {I got this picture from another web-site}.
I know that the Amish people don't like their picture taken of their front without their permission. How I know this is from this kid {When my youth group was on a Mission's trip to Cornawango,NY} who took a picture of a couple who was riding in a buggie. Well, as they passed us by on the road, the woman kinda yelled out saying, "Shouldn't you ask before taking that picture?" The group i was with thought it was funny, but i thought she was right. It was kinda funnie how she said it, but it was very rude of the kid to have taken it without any permission. I also remember watching two girls {from my church} getting their picture taken by a friend. Just as the friend snaped the picture a buggy had pasted by. I didn't see the picture, but i am sure it was a sweet one, because they didn't planed it to happen like that at all.

Other than wanting to "hang" out with the Amish people, I wouldn't mind trying out what it'll be like to be in Juvenile {Juvi}. I wouldn't want to do anything bad to get myself in there, but just to know what they go through. There was this one girl who told me everything that went on in the Juvi, like what they do with their time and what they do when they act up. There was this one show on where there was this one guy who was living out in jail for 30 days. I didn't see the beginning, but i am sure that he didn't do anything bad. But it showed him being locked up in a room on this own for a few days. He went on saying how it was really boring because you have noone to talk to but yaself. I beg to differ, because God is always there with you whenever you need Him, even just to talk. I am sure if I went and did this, then it could help me get closer to God alot faster {mainly because i'll be locked up and have nothing else to do.}.
It's strange how one starting thinking about something and then when they go to church, the pastor preaches on that thing one was thinking about. Like the other day, i was thinking about death. I am not scare to die, but i often wonder how i am to die. Would it be painful, or would it be in my sleep? I wouldn't mind dieing for Christ in some way. Like someone is making fun of Christ, So i end up telling them otherwise. They get all mad at me and start beating me up leaving me to die. I really don't know how i am to die, or when, but i know that the Lord will use it in a great way. What would be very sweet is not being able to die at all. How? Well, by Christ coming, and I'll meet Him in the sky. If one doesn't know the Lord, then it would be hard for them to understand why so many people vanished.

I also wonder what it would be like to have "super powers". I sometimes wonder if i had a "super power" what would it be! To tell you the turth, i really don't know. I wouldn't mind being able to read minds, but there are too many people who think incorrectly that i am sure i wouldn't want to know. I wouldn't mind being invisable, but i already knows how it feels to be invisable in life. I wouldn't mind being flexable, but it'll only look strange to have my arms reach from one room to the next. To tell you the turth, having "super powers" would just be boring, because you'll just have the same one over and over. I guess if i could be any one of the X-men, i would want to be Storm. Why? Well, because she can control the weather, inside or outside. It would be very nifty to show my emotion by the weather. Sad-rain, happy-sunny, hurt-snow, lonely-foggy, mad-thunderstorm or just very windy, etc..
I really don't understand why people have to talk about my hieght everytime they see me. Or having to listen to people tease me way too much about my height. I think i know that i am short, so why bring it up? If i can change my height, then I would. I wouldn't mind just being 5'5, or 5'something. But lucky me, i am still 4'something. No 5' at all. O-wells. There is a reason for it, just will take time to see it. In the mean-time, I'll have to get used to of being teased too much, and the conversations.
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