I have a hard time getting up in the morning and doing my devos, but i noticed that i am needing it now more than ever. Things here at home are going crazzie. If it's not one thing, it's another {almost like work, and the part i am always checking -which keeps you safe}. Well, we are almost done fixing up the house from that tree, but this week we've been having water problems. Can't take a shower without a pool in the basement. I woke up this morning {like i have been doing everyday since i was born, and lucky you- you too!}, and just as i was about to take that step off the bed- i saw water. O-boy! We have a house payment due soon, and things are going wrong. 0-wells, I know my Father can take care of it all. My dad, of course, wasn't too happy about it all, but i had to tell him before something really bad goes wrong. I never heard my parents fight since i was in the beginning of highschool, but they went at it for a while. It's alright now, but it was very strange to hear them yell at each other and not at one of the kids. I remember one time when they came close to seperating, i needed a freind but got none. But the more i think about it now, the more i see that i did had a friend throughout it all- and that was Jesus. I didn't need a human freind at all. At the time i was hurt and just wanted to be huged, but Christ was huging me the whole time. Pastor Marriott had said that when trials come along, don't shut the Bible but open it. {well something along that line}. That is so true, and when i opened the Bible, the first thing i see is how Christ loves me, and then i see how one Jewish girl can change things around for the kingdom and help many other Jews in the end. That is one reason why i love learning about WW2, because there were alot of people out there who were willing to help out one or two or more Jews. They couldn't save them all, but there were alot that were saved, and lot of them saw how the Lord was there thought it all. What a great God we have!

Scrapbooking! What a blessing it is to get your creative side out by using paper and scrap. When i first started getting into it, I was so bad. But at first, i was just putting pictures on a paper and putting stickers on it like crazzie. In the end, it looked like a tornado had hit. So i took it apart and thought i should start fresh. When i did, i love it in the end. Now i am making pages like the picture you see here. It's not one that i had done, but over the years i have learned that other people are into scrapbooking also. I take some of their ideas and add my own and put it into my scrapbook. That's what scrapbooking is all about, having your own way of making a page bring out a picture or two. Everyone's idea on something is different, and fun. One doesn't have to have all the "items" to make a good scrapbook. Just get a paper, and throw pictures on it, and then add other little things like a string or another paper. You can use the newspaper, or use a notebook, either way, it'll look great because it is you.
I thought about doing a scrapbook about my time away from school. But then i thought it would be so cool to do one about school. But the sad thign is, i don't have alot of pictures of school. 0-Wells.
Work! Who in their right mind loves to work? Okies, I am sure there are many people who love working. In fact, I kinda do too. Sometimes, working can just keep my mind off of things, or keep it on things. I believe that i do more thinking at work than i do at home. Crazzie ah? I thought so too.
Have you ever worked too much that it just tired you out? I guess that is what school is all about, sleep. One works to stay in school, to study, to pass the class, and to have fun. We all work at something or another. Right now, other than working at a job and trying to fit time in to have fun, i am working on getting to know Christ more. It's not very easy for me like it may be fore many people. I have a hard time really believeing that Christ loves me. I know He does, but it is kinda hard because I grew up being depressed and bitter for many years. It is very easy to get into that stage, but to get out is a million times harder. I am not 100% out of it, but i think i am almost there -with Christ's help i can make it. Well, whereever you are at and whatever you are working on, I do hope that you are not sleeping on the Job. My real job is to tell others about Christ, and someday I know that i will be able to tell others about Christ in a great way. But for now, I shall be myself and help. Help how? Well, by showing others and by letting them know that Christ is coming soon. I shall not be sleeping on this job, because i love helping others out. I thought about what i wanted to do with my life while i was in Highschool. At first, i thought it would be pretty easy, but it isn't. But it is what i want to do with Christ's help, and be able to help others out too. I want to be a couselor or a Psychologist. I wouldn't mind starting off with a job like a secatary, or something with computers {typing out letters for the boss.} What would be super awesome would be scrapbooking for others. Not many people know i am into that short of thing, but i am, and the more i get into it and see other ideals, the better i get. {Don't believe me, then ask my older sister.} But who would want a stranger do a scrapbook, or who would want me to do something like that? I don't care, i do it for the fun of it anyways. It is loads of fun, just like Soccer!!
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