Ok.. I saw my sister who had done this and it sparked me to try.. what you do is go to google.com and type your name and the word "needs" then post the first 10 repsonces. So, I typed Dayna needs... and here are the ten first sentences.---well, the first 10 that said Dayna needs.. but it wasn't easy- so the last few is of Dayna need... but it's still the same thing... right???
P.S. awww, look at the adorable picture of me at the age of 18 months.. This is me trying to take myself for a walk around the block-- can we say BUSTED!!!??!!!!!!!!
1. Dayna needs to wear layers
-Sure I do, in the winter I always need to wear layers of clothings!!
2. Dayna needs to update her wigs and lose the silly laugh
-yeah, i guess i need new wigs... but i shall never lose my silly laugh!!
3. Dayna needs Corgi Babies!
-I'll have kids when i get married.. but what is a Corgi baby???
4. Dayna needs a form.
- a form of what? "ponders"
5. Dayna needs to have a party soon.
-I know... I'll just claim my 22nd as the biggest party ever.. because everyone in USA will be having parties.... Why? well, because my birthday this year is ON Thanksgiving... Yeahhhhh.. GO ME!!!!
6. Dayna needs to step back from representing SAAL on a State
-Okies.. i shall step WAYYYYY back... but what is the SAAL? Super Attitude Against Losers?
7. Dayna needs to overcome her conditioning
-Yeah, maybe i am conditioning way too much.. LOL
8. The family is still learning about the disease as Dayna grows and her body and needs change.
-I know this one doesn't say Dayna needs/need, but it was too funnie that i just had to add it.. It pretty much tells it all.. i have a disease- of being too nice.. and as i grow, i need changes... LOL
9. Dayna need to be home this weekend because it my ma's b-day!!!
-If i knew this person, i shall be home this weekend for whoever's ma's birthday... SCAREY!!!
10. Dayna assured her that she didn’t need to know a “special formula” to pray.
-This is way true... we don't need a special formula to pray, we just need to talk to God like we would ourselves or to our best friends!!
-So- Tag your it!!! Your next!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you need?????????????????????????