Today is Friday... I am so very happy about that, mainly because it is the last day of work until Tuesday. I get to have Monday off, and i am ever so excited about that. A day off work will be good.
Kaytie {my little sister} is graduating this coming Thursday. Today is her last day of school, which she is excited about it. She went to school wearing her blue- Japaneese dress, and she had her hair put up. Very cute!
Last Saturday, my friend Ruth came over. We played some board games and talked. It was very good. I just felt mega bad for having her over because the house isn't cleaned. But we still had a good time.
I am so very excited that I am able to go to school in the Fall. Deanna {a friend of mine, she lives in ILL} is going to be a Freshmen there. It is going to be a good year. Deanna and I have been becoming better friends via emails. I know for a fact that she is going to like Jolene {my best friend at school}.
But what I am more excited about is the fact that I am going to be an Aunt soon..{well... in about few more months- like 7} Joy says that the baby is going to be taller than I am. I don't think so, not before it is 10. But to give birth to a baby that is taller than me, NO WAY!! I am not THAT short... Sorry Missy!! I want to go down there in Dec, but Ruthanna {a friend of Joy and I} won't answer her phone. Because if i am able to go down there, then getting my tickets with Ruthanna would be a good thing. I would rather fly down there with someone i know than alone. I've never been on a plane before, so i really don't want to get lost or anything. Don't want to get onto the wrong plane and end up in China.
Work is going alright- it's work! Cheryl and I have been stuck on the 548 michine that we are both getting very sick of that machine. So we are both hoping to get someone else trained on it. They should've had us trained someone on there when there were bad parts.. the best way to learn a part is to know what is bad and what isn't. 0-wells. with that part, you kinda have to train youself- in a way that is.. But it's alright.
Jasper is now 100% engaged to this girl he met in Saginaw.. They've been dating for a year {which i am glad that i didn't make it to the 1 year mark with him}. I am ever so happy about that. Now he can stop trying to make me change my mind about going back out with him. The good thing about being away from school last year, is the fact that I didn't have to put up with him {or Cowboy- but thats another story..}
Well- I updated the blog and a post.. Hope my sister is happy now!! Love ya JOY!!!
1 comment:
Yes I am happy about it. I love hearing about your life. I miss you all so very much and with me being pregnant its even worse. I know I have chris and his family down here.. but its not the same thing. I miss you all so very much and once the baby has arrived I don't know what to do. I won't be able to see you guys often at all and the next time I do i'll have to bring a child with me. I am sad for you all because You won't get to see this child grow up and you won't be able to be a major part of his/her life.
I really do wish we could move north and be closer to you all, but Chris won't move where the snow comes more then just a dusting.
I am praying that Mom will be able to come down in December/ january and see me and this child. I would gladly put her up in our place for a week or so, just have to talk mom into coming and it being alright with everyone.
I am praying that you will come and if you need any help with anything, Ruthanna said that you could stay at her parents while she is still teaching and then she can come up and you two can fly together...or even her dad can take you to the airport and make sure you get on the right plane.. and Ira will be here to get you when you get off the plane.. so you wont' get lost in the airport.. its not hard.. just follow the passengers on your plane off and to the bagage area... that is how I dont' get lost flying alone. Its fun. Take some music and a book and your all set on the plane ride. and its not scary. feels like your on a bus... just a bus that is in air. :D
Keep calling her.. I'm sure she is just busy at the times you call.. call her this weekend.. i'm possitive you will be able to reach her then. :D
Love ya sis.
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