Ever wonder what God's creations look like from the other side of those clouds? I bet it is very beautiful.
I've been thinking about all those who are in the military in some way. Like i have a friend who is going into the Air Force. I watched The Bachelor {the guy was an Officer}, and saw Hawwii and the Plear Harbor. Just thinking about what those people went through- and seeing where we are now. There are alot of people who are against the war out there in Iraq...but if one thinks about it, we stoped alot more terriorst that would have happened. Alot more people would've died. So i really don't see why people are so against the war. Yeah people die from serving the country, but many people are still alive from those deaths. If we hadn't been hit by those Japanesse people, then million more people would've died. Hitler would've still been alive and still been killing many more Jews and whome-nots.
Anyways- what a blessing it is to look outside and see a different sky each time.. Like the sun being halfway up to being all the way up to being down and the stars showing up {well, whatever one can see through the city-lights} and the moon looking different each time {half-moon, full-moon..etc}. It is just amazing! don't you think?
I woked up this morning, and just layed there looking out the tiny window. I couldn't really see much {mainly just the spider webs there}- but I got thinking, God made everything. He made you and me and those spiders and the sky and what-nots. I am very blessed to be alive right now, mainly because God can easily take my life away at anytime of the day, of the week, of the year..just at random. But He lets me take this next breath and He lets me live another day. It is up to me to serve Him today, to talk to Him, to read the Bible, to do something for someone else. It is up to me to do whats right- or what isn't right. He lets me have that choice, and so what I do is what i'll reap later...either it'll be good or not. If i go kill someone, then I shall reap for it by going to jail. If I help someone clean their house, then I shall reap for it by either getting paid by them or by God. I rather God pay me, so I enjoy doing things for free. I'm not really doing it for free, because I'll get paid with smiles and maybe a hug, or if i was babysitting- then i'll get paid by being able to spend time with their kids.
Today, mom wanted to go do something.. so we went to this place that had a sale going on. After that, we went to the Bible Book store {because i needed some more books to read during my breaks at work}. The other day, i had gotten some new clothings {pants, a skirt, short, and a shirt.} So today i wore one of the pants- and let me tell you, it made me feel all girlie all day. I never really had girlie pants growing up {had hand-me-downs}.... so it was good. too bad i can't wear them at school.. o-wells. Anyways- it was very good to get outta the hosue and to spend time with Mom and Kaytie.

Now don't get me wrong- I will not join the Army {mainly because i wouldn't be able to do any of those things that those peoples can do}, But i will support them and stand by them. But if someone came to the door saying that they need me in the Army, then i will go. But until then, i'll do something i enjoy doing.... living!!! I enjoy learning things about the military, just i don't think i can handle being yelled at all the time or doing 50 pushups.. i'll be lucky to do 20.

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