There were two parts of the movies that are very interesting. One part being, where Siries was talking to Harry and said {something along the line of..} "Everyone has a dark side in them. Its what side that the person chooses that makes the person who they are." And that is pretty true..in a way.. Because we all can choose what side we want.. and that is kinda who we are. But God made us and let us have chooses in life. The other part is where Harry is talking to this blondie chick {forgot her name.. but she seems mega nifty awesome}... and she was looking for her shoes.. she told Harry what her mom always told her, "The things that you loose will always show up in the end, just not in the way you think it will." That too is very true. We may loose a house or a friend or whatnots, in the end we will get those back- but maybe it's not in the way we think it will come to us.
My fav. part of the movie is the fight... yeahhhhhhhhhz. how awesome it was.. I thought they did a very awesome job with that... what you think?

Things here are going very well.. only 2 weeks left of work.. yeahhhhhhhs.. then i am off. Kaytie has this week off of work- things are mega slow for right now. Esther is also laid off... that poor girl!
I am ever so excited to be an Aunt to a baby girl... mainly, i was just ever so excited to be an Aunt {rather it was a boy or a girl}. Grandma was happy when she heard.. and she told me to tell Joy {which i haven't said yet--- but she will get the message this way..} "Hal-la-lu-iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa". She is getting her first Great Granddaughter.. :) And Joy is the lucky one to give her that GreatGranddaughter {as Joy was the 1st GrandDaughter Grandma had} Pretty nifty!! Well.. have a wonderful day!!!
1 comment:
First of all I have read all the books and I really enjoyed the movie. I think that if they went by the book not only would the movie be forever long, but the whole essence of what the book was trying to get across would have been lost in the movie. I did enjoy knowing what was happening and the inside things that you realyl can't get from just watching the movies. But I'm glad for you that you got to watch the movie.
I do agree that Luna Lovegood was a good addition to the movies (and book) and was rather thrilled at the actress they got for her, as it was exactly what I had thought of her as being.
Yes.. and I know that Grandma H. would be very thrilled to have a great granddaughter she wanted me to have one so bad since she already has two great grandsons.. so this is great. We are have finally decided on a name.. the middle name is going to be Ruthanna and the first name is going to be Reyna pronouced Ray-na. And we will call her Rey for short:D Chris really really likes this name and it has grown on me so we decided to go with this.. since he didn't really like Jocalyn.. oh well.. i may use it yet... maybe.
I am glad that Ruthie is down here and am enjoying every moment I can.. whilst I'm not at work.. to be with her.
Why is Kt off work this week? is she skipping out or something?
I am glad that you are getting to go back to school.. save some money for the flight tickets down here in Dec. :DI can't wait to see you agian :D
sorry for the book.
love ya my sis,
~Joy~ :D
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