My Brunch with Juan went great. {It wasn't a date- just a friend's time outting, really}. He came to pick me up, and we went to a buffet place and talked. We talked on the way there, and when we were there and even afterwards. It was ever so great just to be able to talk and get to know each other better.
Now, i know Joy is going to freak out and yell at me when she reads this- but i really don't care. Juan is alot better than Jasper, and if she got to know him-then she would see that i picked a great guy. I really like Juan, and he is on fire for God. I am able to talk to him and not have to worry about him putting me down {like Jasper did all the time}. We are just good friends for now. I promised him that i would keep an open mind about things- and if some lucky man came to sweep me off my feet, then i shall go with that lucky man {whoever that will be-either i meet him at school or not}... But for now, I really like Juan. With me going to school, it will help us to know if we are better off being friends or if we will be more than friends later on in life.

I am done with work now- So, i have alot of free time to clean and get organized and to hang out with my friends {friends I never had the time to hang out with until now..} I am very excited about going to school in the Fall.. So i have been getting things ready for that.
So that is that... have a great day!!!
1 comment:
I am going to be praying for you about this and I want you to know that.. and also since you are seeking God in all this I want you to know that I'm glad you are.
Would it be too much if I asked you for the scripture that God is using to lead you in this relationship.. because we know that God not only speaks through prayer but through His word to us and through other christians. Have you sought godly adivce from others not involved in the situation and talked to your pastor about it? God uses all these to confirm his will for you and to lead you so you need to make sure that they all match up. Its hard at times and I'll be praying for you.
I am glad that you two are friends... you make friends so easily. I just want to make sure that you are fully in Gods will before you start dating though and so I'm glad that you are seeking God in all this. I love you dayna.
Your praying sister,
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