As Pastor John was preaching, the song "Grace" came to my mind. So as they were doing the offering, i asked if it would be alright if i sang a song. Of course they didn't say no.. So i went up there and sang. I was ever so nervous, but once i started singing, it was as if i was singing in the shower {yes i do sing in the shower... hahaha...}
It was an ever so hot day here today- so I took a cold shower, and then sat outside. within 5 minutes, my hair was dried- as if i never tooken that shower. Crazzie ah? So, here is a pic of me- after my shower. Don't i look pretty----SCAREY!?!?!!!!!!!!

So what is going on with me? Well, I am finding that i am really liking someone at my work right now. But sadly, i am leaving for school in a month or so. But i guess, it is all in God's plan- if this guy and i are to work out, then it will work out in the end. But it doesn't mean that i am not allowed to like this guy. I know i might end up being heartbroken, but how would one know if they don't try.. ah? Besides- this guy likes me for me,, which is a plus. He is a Born-Again Christian and is very handsome {to me anyways.}. I feel very comfortable around him, and i am not scared to talk to him. I enjoy getting to know him and being able to hear from him. I have been praying about this, i shall keep praying about it while i am at school. I think it would be good for us to be apart for a while- it'll tell us if it's the right thing or not. But oh- i sure hope that it will turn out to be good.
I do plan on getting my head into the books. I need to, and i shall. getting my GPA up is very important to me right now. I hate the fact that just because my ACT scores never came in, it dropped my GPA, put me on probation, made me have a tutor, not be able to join any sports {not even soccer- *sob sob*} and have some extra classes.. but also having a a boyfriend at the time just didn't help any {besides the fact that i gotten smarter in another way..} I am ever so glad that he is engaged to some chick- and it's not me! But I guess, with this happening- I am able to know that i want to graduate and know that i worked my brains off to get it. Some of these people are stupid- yet they are very smart in books and have their parents paying for them and they grew up knowing this stuff. But with me, i am able to apply the stuff i am learning and work for the things i want to- without having to ask my parents for anything. {my dad askes me for thing... just not lately, yeahhhhz}. But i am ever so glad that i have enough for 1st semester, now i just am praying that i can get my jobs back- for surely my Dishpit job. I am like one of a few people who rather be in the dishpit than to do something else in the kitchen.
Peace out with this poem!!!

Friendship is pure gold and touched the hard
You are a friend that I can count on when I am down
And need someone to lean on
I can count on you to lend me a hand
I can count on you to be my friend
How would it be when you leave me?
Will the friendship still touches the heart
And will you still be there when I need you?
I will always be here for you when times are hard
I will still be your friend.
Shavonda & Dayna 05'
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