Yesterday, Juan took me out for ice-cream when he got off work. It was very sweet! We got there, and i paid for it {even though he was getting his money to pay for it}. We sat down at the tables outside, and talked as we ate our ice-creams. {of course i got a Strawberry ShortCake... yum yum!} We ended up talking for about 1/2 an hour there. Then he wanted to check something out down the road, so we drove down a ways. As we did a turn around, he scared me! He started pulling out in front of cars {even tho they were not moving}, but i was scared and he even saw that in my eyes. But i am still alive, and am okies. Even with that happening, i can honestly say that he is a better driver than my dad and grandpa. So- Juan and I talked as he droped me off. There was these 2 teenagers out chasing their dog that ran away. So Juan had the guy hop into his car and he drove him down the street. They were able to catch the dog before it ran onto 9mile. I had noticed that he did that for them and thought it was very sweet.

Juan and I talk alot, and that is very good for a relationship of any kind {like in a friendship or more}.. But being that Juan and I are just friends, it is very good for our relationship as friends. When it came to Jasper and I, we never really talked much. If anything, i was the one who did most of the talking and even then- it was like talking to a wall. I didn't really like that in that relationship at all {and id one of the many reasons i had to break it off with him}.. With Juan, it isn't just me talking but he is talking to me too. I am getting to know him and he is getting to know me. The only uncheckable thing we've done would be being in the same car, alone. {which i would get demerits for or kicked out of school.} I very do enjoy being able to talk to Juan, and we talk about alot of things. Like our past, and what we learned in our reading or what we like n dislike. I don't know him super well, but from what i do know about him- he is a great guy.
Gary and I and a friend of his is going to be going to the zoo this weekend. I am hoping to knock some sense into his head. He is going through a whole lot and is wanting to take himself out of the world. So I am hoping that his friend and i can gang up on him and let him know that we are here for him and that he does have people here on earth that cares about him. And i do care about him, he is my friend. It hurts to know that a friend of mine is wanting to take theirselves out of the world. I know I wanted to one time- but i learned that it wasn't the right way to go.. By going through that tho, i am sure that i will be able to help Gary. Because i know how he feels and even tho we went through different things- we end up in the same place {deciding to stay alive or not}. And i do hope that he picks what i picked {to stay alive!}.
Other than that- things are going alright. I am still learning and growing. :) At least it is better than not learning and growing!! :)
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