Today was indeed a good day- i woke up and went for a walk with mom. We went to the bank then stopped for ice-cream and talked the whole time. Yeah- i really believe that mom and dad are going to end up getting a divorce within 5-10 years. They are not working things out and are getting madder each day with each other-and then pours it onto us. {pushing me in the middle- which i really do not want to have any part of.} It surely is hard- but that is life i guess!

After talking with Juan for a bit, I was checking my Facebook acount and saw that Katie added new pictures. Awwws!! I do miss her loads! Katie was my PC {Prayer Captain- whom is the leader in each dorm room} during my Freshmen year. She knew that I was into scrap-booking and had started one- she had me work on hers a bit. It surely was a blessing seeing how young she looked to now, and also seeing her siblings and how they looked at a young age too. {Pic: Starting with Katie in Hot Pink, then Anna in the hat, then Bethany in the light-pink, and then Rachel in the tan...I had met Rachel when she came to visit Katie, very lovely lady she is..}

Alot of the pictures showed her special brothers hug. Wonder how it would look like when the youngest one there is 20 years old.. hahaha. {she also has another brother- 8 kids total... mega awesome!} Katie was the RA {Resident Assistant- whom is in charge of the floor and is over the PCs} She wasn't my RA, but i went to her for alot of things. Like when Aunt Jodi's mom {whom is my adopted Grandma} died- i tooked it a bit hard. Katie just gave me a huge hug and prayed with me. Now, i think she is going to be back this year- and if she is, it truly would be awesome to see her around! :D YAY for friends!!! Now, i think Rachel might be going to school there- so that would be cool to become friends with her a bit! :D we have something in common already {growing up in a big family!}

So after being on Facebook- i ended up watching Scarey Movie 4 {with John, Nikko, Chris, Chris' sister, and Kaytie} It was funnie- just some parts could do without... but it's alright. I went up-stairs to start packing the books i wanna take with me- then ended up talking for about an hour with Joy {which was very awesome indeed- and I am ever so excited to be seeing her in Dec.. YAYS!!} Then after finishing with the books- i went downstairs and dad was "watching" SM4 ... Greg came in and started watching it too- so we just laughed and joked around about it. I know that there won't be many days i can be kinda lazy when i go to school- {and i usually am not lazy when i am home.. but i kinda was today...} I was indeed lost in thought about alot of things {like school and whatnots}. As we watched America Got Talent- i was picking on Kaytie.. and ended up finding a new ticklish spot...
.. I think with me picking on her alot- she is getting a bit stronger {but not strong enough.. haha} So maybe i need to keep it up! hahahaha
My thumb is still tender from it being shut in the door- but it's not as swollen or doesn't hurt as much {i can bend it more- YEAHHHS}.. so it's all GOOD-NEWS! AND...... i am still breathing! {which is even better!}.. I had Greg gave a grad.card to Tiffany, {because when i looked for her after service, i couldn't find her}.. she was still at church, so i must've just not seen her.. Anyways- she loved the card! Just wish i could have given it to her in person, then we could've talked for a while! :D I think she is going to West-Coast College {or maybe to Macomb}.. either way, she will do greats! I am excited for her, because she is indeed going to use her flute as a ministry for God {and she is ever so good!} So thats an update on me and a little info on a friend! PEACE OUT!
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