Saturday, I had the chance to go to the zoo with a friend of mine. We mainly just walked around and took random pictures of animals. We also were able to talk and get to know each other a bit. When he came to pick me up- i was waiting outside with mom {as she was on the phone with Joy}. He pulled up in his black car, and off we were. His female friend was going to come also- but she changed her mind at the last min. She thought that Gary and I wanted to go as a date and was going to do a double-date thing.. But i guess when she found out that we are going just a friends, she didn't want to get in the middle of things {or something}.

Gary had said that his female friend wanted a pic of the two of us... so i jumped onto a bench and SNAP! A picture of us. Beautiful ah? {besides, check me out... I am indeed beautiful!!} Gary is indeed very funnie, and was having me laughing almost the whole time. And yes- he didn't smile much the whole time. He seems to be that type of person who can pull a prank and noone would know that it was him. With me, i could pull a prank and everyone would know it was me.

Here we are in a cave thingy-mer-bobber. We were watching the seal swim by. There were loads of people in there, so it was hard to get a good look {but once we were able, we took some pics of that seal swimming..} I kinda like this pic of us, because it shows how short i am compared to him.. hahahahahahahahhahahaha. YEAH FOR BEING SHORT! {awwws, this pic shows off my beautifulness..Watch out guys, i am tougher than what i look}
I am not even sure where my mom got the idea that Gary and I were more than friends. I mean, how stupid can I be? Why would i want to go hang out with a friend and call it dating? Thats just lame. Gary and I are JUST FRIENDS.. nothing more. He is a Christian, and is 23.. but we are just friends. He is going thru something, and like i said, i hope he picks what i picked {to stay alive..}

I was reading other people's blog a bit and came to this pic.. O-MY-SOUL.. guess they don't need to worry about paying for gas.. hahahahahahahahaha.. Would you like to ride like that? I think i would be scared!!
1 comment:
Dayna..i never said that Ibelieved mom about you going on a date with Gary, I just asked so I would know thet truth. IF someone tells me one thing I go to the person to know the truth. Had I truly believed that you went on a date I would have said.. so How was your date? not.. oh.. so i heard you went on a date is that true? which is what I did.. so no.. i didn't automatically think you were dating Gary.
I find it funny that you tell me that you went on an outing as Friend with Juan and tell others it was a date..which means you are not being fully 100% truthful. Are you or are you not dating (going on dates) with Juan?
and I know the differnence between friends and dating.. I have a good judge of character and if you look at the past.. when have I been wrong about a person?? I dont' know of a time and if you can tell me then I would like to know. The reason i say this is because knowing that is my strong suit should encourage you and others to want to know my opinion on people since I can pretty much guess right on the type of person that they are.
Now I do know that you like to make me sound like i'm a horrible sister and always on your cause and I am always going to be upset or mad at you, but I haven't been. I don't get mad at you and upset at you and I try to show you that without getting defensive but Dayna you do this alot in your blogs.. paint me to be the evil older sister when really I just want to help you and protect you and want you to have fun. I don't think the things you think I do and I don't feel the way you say I am going to feel.
In this case I didn't believe mom because I know how mom is.. look at what she thought about Deanna and Jayme... do you honestly think that I would believe mom about you like that?? because look at her record she has not been right in that area for a very long time. I only asked if you went on a date because how was I to know that you didn't tell mom you were going on a date.
I mean you tell others that you went on a date with Juan and yet tell me you went as friends. So what am I to believe? what you told others or what you told me?
I am very confused at why you want to make me out to be the bad sister. but that is alright. I dont' mind.. i know your not always happy with me because I show you think that convict you and may make you think that I am out to get you.. but I"m not. I love you and want the best for you and I want you to actually think about things.
I want you to seek God out by listening to his Word (the bible) because we talk to God through prayer and God talks to us through his Word. How can you know what GOd wants in your life if you are not letting God speak to you?
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