Ever took a full day just to walk? What a blast it is to walk for miles on end, and see how people poeple use modern day items now for ways to get to places. In the Bible time, the only way to get around was to walk. What was a car to them? I am sure it would've been just a strange tool humans made in order to get money {well, in their time, items} Tuesday's is a day for College Students to go play Soccer up at the Church's School. Each Tuesday, I want to go, but can't. So this past Tuesday, I thought it would be a nifty thing to walk up there. I thought it'll only take me about 4 hours to walk there. 4 hours after I left the house, I was nowhere close to the school. I was so mad at myself..O-wells. I turned around and walked back home. Boy did my legs hurt {it hurted so badly that I felt like quiting...to stop walking home.. but I kept going}. I stoped at the church on my way home, and found someone to give me a ride {which saved me an hour walk.}. Over all, It was a great day. It was 82 degrees, and cars were flying by. It made me wish I had a car, but once I thought about the people in the Bible, I felt very quilty for even thinking that. Because they would walk the whole day, or week in order to get to where they need to go. Moses and his people had to walk for 40 years. What a Blessing it would have been to be there to see all the things the Lord had for them. Water from a rock, food from Heaven {even if it did got "old" to them... They should've been glad to even have food.}. The Lord does this to us now even..just not as dramatic. We all need water every-day, and food from Heaven, Just sometimes we think we don't. When we do need water, we want it NOW, but sometimes the Lord tells us to Wait..just so we would thirst for Him even more. No matter how much pain one may be in, or what little they have, they can just trust in the Lord to be there for them. I am still learning this, because I sometimes think that the Lord could never Love someone like me, but He does Love me {more than I could ever know}. What a Blessing it is to know that No matter what little I have, or how sinnful I am {or have been, or will be} the Lord is there for me.

It's been kinda crazzie here at home these past few weeks. I love to clean.. {Yes, It is a Crazzie thing to love doing, but I do}... So ever since I've been home, I've been taking a few days and just cleaning. It is very hard, because I really don't like cleaning when I see someone just sitting there watching t.v., or playing a game,, etc,,. I like to have Music on, and the Windows open, and I love to sing as I am cleaning. Don't you just love it when ya clean, and someone comes in behind ya and make a mess? Well, that is how I grew up. Sharing a room with Kaytie can be dangerous, because I love to be clean, and she loves to be messy. Before I left for College, I had my half of the room clean. When I came home for vacation, It was a mess. I had no bed anymore, because she uses my bed like a dresser, and uses the dresser as a bix box for her items {like Drawing things, etc}. It is crazzie. I use the Dressers as they should be, and extra space, I'll use up for other things.. Over all, I love to be clean. I hate looking at something and seeing a 5 thick in. Dust on an item, or clothes in the frontroom.. O-wells. Life goes on... When I get my own place, I wouldn't have to worry about seeing such things. Hopefully, my future husband will like things to be clean {I wouldn't care if he doesn't like cleaning, as long as he likes things to be clean and not a big mess.}. It is hard to find guys like that. The scary thing is, one of my best friends-Stephen {known him since 2nd grade} is more of a neat-freak than I am. It is great, and he is a great friend to have.
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