The Wedding!!
Thursday we drove the whole day and night. We left at 5am and got to Tx at 6am {Tx time}.. We had met up with one of my dad's friend and ate dinner with her. It was nice. Kaytie and I got along pretty well with the daughter who is 12 {but looks 7}. The most funniest thing that had happen that day was when we met up with Jayme in Saint.Louis. My dad called Jayme and was looking one way.. Jayme came up the other way as he was talking to dad. He sat down and just kept talking to my dad on the phone. Then my dad turned around and was looking at Jayme, but was still talking because he didn't notice Jayme was there in front of him. It took him a while to notice why we were all laughing. It was great. We got to the Hotel we were staying at. Jayme and the 3 younger siblings went swimming in the pool that was there. It was fun watching them dunk each other. We ended up staying up til 12, because we played card games and was talking. Joy and Ruthanna stayed in the Hotel with Kaytie and I, as the twins went to Joy's Apartment with Chris.
Saturday, we went to a house and decorated it with flowers and stuff. Dad took Joy and I to Cost-CO to get Joy a card. It was good to get away from the house for a while. It was fun decorating and all, but it was just taking too long. Saturday eve. {after we went to take showers and whatnots} we went to the rehearsal {so we know what we were going to be doing for the Wedding}. I get to walk down with Dos {a guy name John really}. He was very sweet and kind. After we got things settled with that, we went off to get dinner together. I rose with Ruthanna, and my dad was fellowing Ruthanna to the place.. But since Ruthanna didn't know where to go, we ended up fellowing Chris's parents {Chris is Joy's husband.} The parents went to pick someone up first, so it was pretty funnie seeing us fellowing them into a small yard in order to pick one person up. {the person was Chris's grandpa- who looked 150% like a Taxan- noone else did}. We went to the place, and ate. Kaytie was wearing a crown that Joy had brought her. The pastor asked Kaytie what was up with it.. "Because I am a princess" replied Kaytie. It was great fun to get to know Chris's family a bit. Afterwards, the kids went to Joy's apartment and went swimming. We played Marko-Polo. It was great fun. I only was taged once and that was at the end when my brother cheated {cause he told me that I was cheating and I wasn't}. O-Wells.
Sunday morning, 6 am we got up just to get to Chris's parents's house. Amanda {his sister} could do our hair up. So we got our dresses on {just Ruthanna and I}, Amanda did our hair and makeups {Yes I wore makeup. Shocking ah?}. We went to the Pastor's house and listened to the sermon after singing some songs. {They had drums and a guitar..crazzie I think.} during the invitation, Those who were in the wedding left to go to the house. The guys hurried up to set up the sound system {they couldn't have done it the night before because of the storm we had}. Joy put her dress on--BEAUTIFUL!!.. A girl came and took lots of pictures of us and Joy. It was crazzie. Then it started, and the next I know is that my sister isn't a Hlatky anymore.. It was pretty boring afterwards because I didn't really know anyone who was there that wasn't part of my family. {Ruthanna is like a sister to me}. The lady came and took loads more pictures and had us in pictures or out then back in. It was very hot outside. Boy did I had a sunburn after that. Joy and Chris got their things and went off on their honey-moon after we went out to eat lunch. Being that it was our last night there, we went swimming again. Jayme went to his car to get a ball so we can play with in the pool. He came back and we started playing "Monkey in the Middle".. After a while of playing, Jayme notice that there was something in his pocket, it was his phone. It is dead {we didn't have a furneral for it}. We just ended up playing longer. Noone could get me in the middle. I kept throwing it, and they kept throwing it back at me. I almost made it in the middle about 5 times. The only time I was about to go in the middle was when Jayme gave the ball to Kaytie... but he went in the middle instead because he had treated. It was a load of fun. After a few hours of playing and dunking each other in the pool, we went to the apartment and watched Ice Age. Jayme was asleep within 10min. As they were watching the movie, I clean up the other rooms.
Monday morning, we went out to eat breakfest with Chris's family. Joy and Chris came and stoped in to give Chris's mom a card, and said bye to us {again}. We saw a few pictures of the wedding {they looked GREAT}. Chris's parents said they'll send us a Cd of all the pictures, so we can print them off if we wanted to. Joy said I could do a Scrapbook for them. I am so excited that I want to do it now.. But I can't right now because I don't have the pictures yet. the 4 younger kids and Jay, went off to Jayme's place for the week. We were able to go to Deanna's place a few time and hang out, go to the park and play Tennis and Freesbee. We went to a Lincoln Library place and watched a few movies about Abe Lincoln. Thursday, Mom and dad came to Jay's. We all ate Dinner at a friend's house and talked for hours. It was great getting to see Laura again and hearing about Yap, and how her Wedding is going to be like. I am so excited for her. She is moving here to MI with her soon-to-be- Husband. So we are planning on getting together and hang out when they are settled. Maybe we can do some scrapbooking, or talking about it or something else. I dunnos, I just know it'll be loads of fun.
I have a job now!! I am happy about that, but I am sad because I can't go on the missions trip to Nebraska.. O-wells. God knew this all along. I'll be getting $9 an Hour. then after 90 days, I'll be making $10 an hour.. so I'll be making about $1,000 a week.. So I can keep that in the bank and have enough to go back to school when Fall comes around {not this coming Fall but the next}. Yeahh. I can't wait to see my best friend again. Jolene and I will rule {okies. not really.. but close enough..}
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