Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Do you ever want to just quit something? Quit smoking, drinking, being friends, being you, etc. I am sure we all want to quit something or another. Some are for the better, and some are not. I often want to just quit being a Christian. Why? Because I am starting to see that only the best will survive. I am not one of those best. I never could. But when I think about it, I could never really fully quit being a Christian, because there are so many things that I WILL NOT do. Such things as, smoking, drinking, drugs, sex before marriage, etc. And because I will not do those things, i could never "fit in" with the world. I don't really "fit in" with the Christian life either, because I grew up in a public school, was a bus kid, and didn't go up in a 100% Christian home. Only those kind of people can "fit in". They have to be smart and get A's and B's on anything and everything. The other day, when I was giving an advice to someone with Bible verses, they told me that I was smart. Well, that is one of us that believes that. I don't get A's and B's on anythign and everything, and I don't know the Bible like alot of these "Christian" people do.

What does it take to become a Christian? Well, to believe in Christ Jesus as your Savior and knowing that He is the ONLY way to Heaven. I am sure alot of these "Christian" people have forgotten that. They think they have to know the Bible inside-out, and have to do this or that. Needing to pray in front of this or that person, having to read the Bible outside and not inside. But a True Christian should just trust Christ, and go day by day having faith in Him. Reading the Bible and praying inside where noone can see ya. It's good to be nice to others and help them, but that isn't the way to Heaven. When you do help someone, it helps you feel better about yourself, like you can just keep going on. That is why I love working with kids, because they don't care what you look like- as long as you are spending time with them, and playing with them, they love you. Now why can't "Christians" be like that too? Love ya for who you are, and not what you look like!!?!!

Now, don't worry. I am not going to quit, I have no real reasoning to. I just feel like it at times, and wonder where I belong in life. I grew up around "Christians" and "Non-Christians". The saddest thing I've learn, is that the Non-Christians were there for me when I needed someone. They don't have to know the Bible, or anything to be able to help me. In fact, I had talked to one of my best friends a few weeks ago, and the way he was talking made it sound like he knew where I was coming from. We are all humans! It amazed me of how much smarter my friend was then the "Christians" at my church. I know way to many stories of how the "Christian teens, kids" go behind their parent's back to listen to this or that, to watch this, or to be there instead of here. But yet, they all look down on those who don't have to go behind their parent's back. In fact, it is much harder to get out of listening to this music or that, when we don't have to go behind our parent's back. It is much harder to learn things of the Lord when we don't go to a "Christian" school. I go to a "Christian" college, but noone helps me. Everything is brand-new to me, and to learn it is great, just it takes time to have it stick to my head. 99% of the kids already know these things, so they get A's and B's, and people love them. But those who try very hard, noone cares.

1st yr, I was more into making friends, then into my "bf". 2nd yr, I was more into studying and having fun. 3rd yr, I sat out so I can save up to go back. 4th yr, I will be more into studying than fun. Sure I'll have fun, but not as much. I want to be smart, but it is hard when the teacher expect me to have already known this or that. O-wells, just gotta do the best I can right? So-What if my gpa isn't high, So-What if I am not a smart in books. I am very smart in other ways, and I am sure that I have more common-sence than alot of peoplez!


Heather said...

Dayna, to a degree, I can see where you are coming from, but I'm very sorry that you have had such a negative experience with Christians. The truth of the matter, Christans are cruel. They can be terribly cruel. But they aren't all that way. Please don't lump us together. I think you would be surprised to see how many people are sincere in their love for God and others. I think you would be surprised how many people grew up in homes very similar to yours. You are not alone.

I will tell you, I admire your determination to work so hard even if you have to study harder than others. Honestly, grades have nothing to do with it. Some of the most phenominal preachers I know struggled their way through school. I know goddly men and women who can't even read.

May I remind you about the purpose of the Christian life? I'ts not to be smart, not to be better than someone else, not to be beautiful, not to feel good. It's to glorify God. That's all.

I'm sorry if I've started sounding "preachy." I would love to talk to you more about this.

One question: What did you mean by your comment only the best will survive?

2Crazzie4U said...

Only the best will survive. It's kinda like survivor of the fittist. Who can make it to the end. I know I am saved and I will be going to Heaven, but i am not expecting alot of treasures in Heaven like alot of Christians will. In some ways i don't care, but i know when I get to Heaven, i'll only wish i could've done more or done something way different. I kinda feel like God will tell me "I never knew you" instead of "Well done, My good and Faithful servant."

Almost like those 3 people who recieved coins. 2 of the 2 went out and doubled it, as the one just hid theirs.

I just don't want to go into the war with Satan and end up fellowing him. you know what i mean?

No you wasn't sounding preachy, i am sure i needed it. I'll be thinking about it when i am at work today. you are right about purpose of the Christian Life, just so many of us forget that. Something to simple- yet not 100% easy to do each day.

Sometimes, when i am going through something, i have to write it down, and then later when i get out of it- i write it down. So when i go back to read it later,, i see how much God was there through it all. I know He is watching out for me, though, at times i don't know why. I am only a sinner who sins more than Jesus could ever.

Aficionado de Uruguay said...

I am with Heather on this one. I see your point, yet I have to differ with you.

I AM one of those people of which you speak. My parents are divorced, my home is not "Christian," I am a "bus kid" to the fullest extent, I went to a public school up until I went to MBBC. YET, all of that didn't matter! Why? Because God's grace is bigger than circumstance and bigger than this life. It's about eternity.

As for me and my life, looking at my background, and my present, and my future, all I can say is "If it were not for grace, where would I be?"

Look to the Lord for purpose and for hope. He is the only one who can give it.

Praying for you

- Sandy

2Crazzie4U said...

I didn't say I waas quiting. The thought keeps coming to my mind, but I won't. I see both sides, and I much rather be on the Christian side. Just I don't really have the kind of friends that'll help me. The ones i do have is a bit busy with school and work. I just need alot of encouragement,because i've been discouraged for a long time, and being that I am very hard on myself- doesn't help.

I agree with you Sandy when you said that we just need to look to Jesus for hope. I just feel like I don't even deserve to be able to have such a wonderful gift. But I have that gift, and i really do need to keep looking at Christ.