Have you ever wished you could live in someone else's life for a day or two? I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be someone else at times. I know way to many people who have great things going for them, and things are going great for them now. Their parents are rich, and they are very smart, but there is something that they don't have that they want to have, and that is a good attitude toward things. Taking things for granted, and not realizing how much they need something until its gone. It's amazing to find out that so many people are wishing they were someone else. But, the best thing in life is to be yourself.

In this day in life, people care about looks. People think that life is all about looking good, feeling good. What is beauty? To me, Beauty is what's inside. But being that i am not skinny like a "real person", or tall like "normal people", i guess it would be easy for me to say such a thing. But the truth is that. Beauty is whats inside, just people can only see whats outside and not whats inside. But God sees me inside, and made me beautiful in His eyes. Now, that is a blessing, because I am special to my Savior.

Oh-I wish
I was a star in the sky
A bird flying high
The sun that shines
The twinkle in your eyes
Oh-I wish
You could see me now
That i can go all over
To see other countries
See the rainbow's end
Oh-I wish
The sky was green
The moon ws purple
The grass was orange
And the trees weren't brown
But what I wish
Can not come true
For I have the best wish
That has came true
To have a special friend
And God sent me you!!!
What a blessing it is to know that we are not alone. We have each other, and we have God with us. There is a rainbow in each of us, just it might take someone a very long time to see it. I often wonder what it would be like to be beautiful and have guys falling for me. But the more I think about it, I am very beautiful, just the guys don't see my rainbow yet.
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