Sunday, October 29, 2006


What is life? I got thinking about this one day as I was working and the "Flint guys" was talking about partying and drinking. So many people are missing out on the real Life because they think if they spend their life enjoying themselves, then there wouldn't have to be any worries once they are dead. How do we live this life? Do we live it like we want to, or as if it was the last day we have? Too many people are blinded, and alot of them could care-less. Too many people think that hell is going to be like a big party with many friends- but that isn't the case at all. I can't see why people would want to go out partying, getting drunk and having sex. Why is it fun to get pulled over {by Police} for drinking, to have hangovers, to have a baby?? I see no pleasure in any of that.

So, what is life? Life is Christ. It's amazing to hear all these true stories of what happened back before any of us was even thought about. Sometimes I wish I had the power to go back in time, to see what life was like back then.. But then again, I am glad that I can't do that- because there is a reason why I wasn't born back then. {because I might've not known Christ like I know Him now. even tho it's not much- it is more than not knowing Him at all.}

Life is like being chained up- about to be sold to be a slave. We are all slaves to sin. We sin, and because we are living in sin- we don't think nothing is wrong with it. Then, one day- someone came and brought you and set you free. Free of sin, Free to do anything gloriflying to Him. How did He came and brought us? Well, by dyeing on a cross and rising from the dead. I mean, how many people you know die and is dead for a few days then come back to life on their own? No-one... {sure there are people who have died and come back alive- but with help}. So, now we have the choice to be free-slaves and follow Him, or just stay slaves to sin. The choice is up to you! But what a blessing it is to be free! I don't have to sin anymore to be happy, I can be happy by serving Him. I choose to serve Him, I am not forced to serve Him. It's just mega awesome to know that He is forgiving- no matter how much I still sin!!

1 comment:

Rambling Rose said...

What a good testimony. Praise the Lord we can be free from sin. Too many Christians take life for granted and seem to forget what a huge price Christ paid so we can have this freedom. There is so much more joy in serving Jesus than living in the flesh.