I still have a hard time getting the fact that He loves me into my mind. What is love? and Why does He love a sinner like me? The answer is within the Word of God.
God is love. Love is being there for someone and showing them the love through action. God showed His love by sending us His Son for our sins. He loves a sinner like me, because He cares so much about us. {tell you the truth, i am not srue how to answer this.. because He created us and gave us a soul. Why us? Why not the ants or the monkies? Why does He care more about us then His other creations?} But He loves me for me, and He wants me to worship Him and give Him my all. And that is all that i can do, is to be where He wants me to be, go where He wants me to go, and to give Him the praise. I need to stay in His Words daily and need to go to Him with anything and everything.
I have a friend here who grew up in a public school, and blieved in the Big-Bang. She came to know the Lord and saw that she needed Him. She has grown so much since {didn't know her before she was saved, but from the stories i hear from her- proves that she has grown so much} then and is on Fire for God. It is truly a blessing to be in Theology class with her, as the teacher brings in some Greek words and she knows them. It astonishes me how much one can grow in Him and know so much just by getting involved. I do try to get involved, but it is hard when i can't understand something and am not sure how to ask in a way so i can get an answer that i will understand, and it frusterates me ever so.... but i can't do anything about it, so i sometimes just tends to forget about it or just not worry about it.
This past week, we had Missions Converence. Someone {who frought in the Vietnam War} talked one day on having a prayerful life, and how we are going into war and need to pray for those that we can talk to. Rather it be someone in the woods or someone next door. A few weeks ago, a huge group of college kids and a few staff members went to State St. and talked with many unsaved souls. 6 people came to know the Lord as their Savior. What a blessing that is. To know that i have a new brother/sister in Christ somewhere. :D God is ever so good, and He is working in many people to give out the Good News. Now, i just need to do that too... O' How shy i can be around people i do not know- yet i tend to be more outgoing when i am around someone i know or when i know that that person isn't going to harm me. {like working with someone for a while, then open up to them a bit as time goes by..}
So that is a little update on this past week and whatnots!
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