So i am about done with the 3rd chapter of that book, and seem to be interested it in and writing tons of notes in it {which means its a good book to like read again later on with my notes}. A few more books came in the mail today- am excited to start reading a few of them..but will wait a lil whle before i do. {this way, i am not reading 10 books at once and getting confuzzled with whats being said}.
So i've been researching about Mennenites... and each site i go to talks about coverings... yet whatever photos they share, noone is wearing a covering. Just makes me wonder if they live what they preach- like really!! I know that Eric was telling me how he is kinda against girls wearing pants {and has Scripture to back him up on it}- yet i notice that the pics on all these sites are girls wearing pants. But over all- it seems like Mennonites believe alot of things we do but mainly Saved by Grace and not by works. Which is indeed important!! I enjoy learning about the Mennonites-- just wish they would give more information out for someone who doesn't know much about them.. 0-wells. life goes on. If i knew what to ask- i'd ask Eric, but i'm not sure what to ask.
well- guess thats my life for now!! Friends and reading... Oh yeah- Kids... Kids here are alright.. the parents are wanting them to be in my apartment or in the toy room more.. so i have been doing that... trying to keep Jameson away from buttons and away from pulling things off my shelf is a "fun" task. other than that- he is normally good and loves to play with toys-or open and close doors or just hit a toy into something making a banging noise {grrrs.. i mean.. Ahhh sweet sound}.. Delaney is usually good- but does have her cranky moments.. She just needs to learn how to ask better. she knows how to- but doesn't. I don't always give her what she wants because of how she asks me and i let her know that too. She knows better- and will learn that she can't always have what she wants and when she wants it.
Will find out if i am having a boy or a girl on Kaytie's b-day. :D Am excited to see the Ultrasound-would love to have a friend or two see that too... I love sharing my joy with others and would love to share this joy with those around me. I am feeling the baby kicking more and more now.. i like it- strange ah?. My belly is starting to be round like a preg lady {wait--- i am preg.. DUHH!!}. and soon i shall be showing- i just know it. I am alil scared abou that--because i will be fat.. yet i know that it won't be forever... so i am ok with it... I guess i can wait till after i am preg to try to lose the weight that i wanted to lose. {another 20-30 lbs and that'll be it}. Would love to be about 120-130 instaed of 140-150... but we will see when the time comes that this lil one comes out and the weight i gain from it is gone...
k.. that is it for now- that i can't think of any else right now!! Till next post- Later!!