MBBC Trip!The Crazzie but the Awesome weekend. Wednesday, i worked til 2 am- but couldn't get to sleep til about 4 am. then 5am on Thursday Morning, We all got up and left to go to Wisconsin. It was a long trip there. Two teen girls wanted to listen to some "fun music- very loudly" So my one hour sleep- stayed a one hour sleep the whole trip. O-wells. Once we got there, we droped our things off and Kaytie and I went to go see Jolene. She was cleaning the bathroom, and saw me walking-through the mirror. Then i came around the corner and she jumped all over me.. it was great. So we talked for a little bit, then Kaytie and I left her to finish working, and we went off to see the Xbillioer {sp} Team do a little show thing. It was so much funny that i was in tears laughing soo hard. Then Kaytie and I went off to hang out with Jolene and Ruthanna {leaving the rest of the group to watch a video about mbbc and go on a tour} so we went to China Buffet and ate, then we went off to the mall just to walk around. That was loads of fun- of course we stoped by at the book store. On the way back, we stoped off at Culvers and had some ice-cream and just goofed off. We were laughing so much, and just teasing each other. Of course- i was video taping some of it. Then Kaytie and i went back {Jolene when to work and Ruthanna went to study or something} and we went to Devos {after getting some of my sweaters from Gould Dorm and seeing my fav. RA- Katie S.}
Friday, we went off to breakfest, then to Chaple. I saw alot of my friends there and surprised alot of them, and talked with alot of them. I was able to see Amanda {was looking for her}, and saw Mary {such a blessing it is to see her again}, and i saw many other friends. After Chaple, Kaytie, Jolene, Micheal, and I went off to lunch. We had a blast. After lunch we went to the "game" room and played a gam before class. Kaytie and I went off to go to one of Mary's classes. It was boring, but it was kinda nifty too. But it was great being able to be in a class with Mary. Do miss her loads!! Then Kaytie and I went off to Life of Christ class with Jolene. John came walking in soon after, and so we listened. I already heard these, and so it was kinda nifty to hear it again. After that, Kaytie and I hanged out in the dorms- it was snowing, raining, and hailing all at the same time pretty fast and pretty cold.
Hannah was there this weekend too, so we ended up staying a few extra day or two and went home with her. So the rest of the day, Kaytie and I hanged out with Jolene. It was great fun. We went up for dinner in the Dinning Hall- making Kaytie go up to radom people and say radom things to these radom people. Then went over to Ruthanna's place and watched a show- Mcguire or something like that- and just goofed off a bit together. Saturday morning, Kaytie and I talked with our "roomies", then off to breakfest with Jolene- said our goodbyes {Jolene was leaving to go on Band-tour.} Then Kaytie and I hanged out with Ruthanna.
We went out to China buffet- because Kaytie was still hungry, so we ate again. We mainly just goofed off. Then something happened, Kathrine and Bradly and some radom guy came in. So we randomly took a pic of them, and radomly said Hi to them. So randomly, we radomly teased each other as we were making fun of kaytie's way of making a "Jello-pudding house". It was loads of fun. Then, after eating and radomly doing things, we went back to Ruthanna's place and watched VeggieTales, then Cars, then the Newsies. As we were watching the Newsies, Bethany was getting mad at us whenever we sang to the songs.. It was so boring- I mean, What is a musical without us singing with them? O-wells. Kaytie, Ruthanna and I ended up staying up a bit longer and talked about different things- Serious and non-serious.

Sunday- off to church we go. I was able to see people from there that i knew, and mainly- i was able to see my girls again. It was great seeing their faces lit up with smiles. After that, Kaytie and I went off to Ruthanna's place again and ate, then watched Toy Story, then we talked and sang disney songs together.

Then Hannah and us met up and left.. We were doing very well, until we hit Michigan.. so about 9:30-10:30 we sat on one spot.. there was a car crash sometime between 9:00-9:30. But mean-time, we were kinda bored- but we made it fun by making a video of others being crazzie, and us being crazzie. We saw people running around their car- so we thought it'll be awesome to do it, so we did. It was fun. Hannah went outside- talking on her phone- so we locked her out.. when she got back in, a car passed us and cut in front of us.. but it's alright- we ended up passing that car later on, and we even stoped to get gas and what-nots. But once we were home- we went off to bed. So, today i'll be back to work. Do i want to? NO, but I will, because it is money and it is helping me be able to stay in school. Yeahhhs...