Salvation! I was thinking about when I came to know the Lord as my Savior. I was so excited, and I knew that He was the One who i wanted to serving the rest of my life. But as i grew older, i started wanting to do things my way. I started not caring, and i started having hate in me. hate for my dad, hate for others, and even hate for myself. I started to hate myself more and more and more, to the point i just wanted to give up my life. But i didn't, I kept going. So, now as i think about Salvation, I think about how Great my God is. Even tho i had all those hate in me, He still loved me. It took me a long time to not hate my dad anymore, or anyone else. The hardest thing to stop hating, is oneself. I am always very hard on myself and always putting myself down. When I went back to college for thsoe few days, I realized how blessed i really am. People care alot about me- even when i don't care about me. I aked the Lord if He would help me to forget about myself and just keep going in His footsteps. He truely is my Savior. It's like what He says in His Word, "My sheep shall know me and follow me". {or something along those line}. What a blessing it is to know that I am one of His sheeps, and I can know Him and follow Him. Some of these other religions, one can not know their "god" and follow him/it- just they can only serve him/it.
Shawna had posted a song in one of her post- May the Lord find us Faithful. It talks about how we don't have be scared to serve Him, or to move on. He loves us to the end- but there is no end.. so He loves us forever and ever.
"God has not given us the spirit of fear
But has given us the strength to obey
With power and sound mind
With love the unfailing kind
Oh be not ashamed of His way
May the Lord find us faithful
May His word be our banner held high
May the Lord find us faithful
Everyday though we live though we die"
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