Random people meets random friends. I am a random person who loves to just be random and do random things. So here is a random blog on a good friend of mine who i thought i would surprise- but instead surprised me.
Freshmen year of college was a crazzie year for me. I was dating a guy name Jasper and i was slowly making friends. My older sister, Joy, was taking a story-telling class with Mrs. Price. She was doing a story in Esther's view, so she randomly asked me to go to class and listen to her. So i did. I felt kinda bad for randomly showing up in a class i never was in. But beign that Mrs. Price loves me just as much as Joy {well maybe not as much- but she knew i was a good random person to

have in class}, i was able to stay. So, a few other people did their story- Bobby, Sam, Someone else, and Joy. Sam did her's on a boy and a teacher or a girl- well, i don't remember it off hand, but it was awesome. I had asked my sister what her name was, and so she told me- but she didn't tell me it was Sam {forgot what she told me it was}- but for a semester i was calling her by this name that wasn't her name at all. It wasn't until a friend of Sam showed the dorm-sup a picture of her and Sam being crazzie, that i found out that her real name was Sam. Sam is dating a guy name John {yeah the same guy that Jasper told me that i should date someday-lol}. Anyways, John and her would always be sitting in the hallway or somewhere in the student center when i came in to clean at nights. It was crazzie- but it was awesome. Sophomor year, I would sometimes go home on the bus with the kids, and with my friend Jolene. Sam would be on that same bus- so we got talking at times. So now we are randomly friends, yeah- random is nifty.

Anyways, When i went on this MBBC Trip- i was excited to see my friends again. It was a randomly crazzie rainy-hailing-snowing-thundering Friday morning, i was looking for someone i knew- mainly looking for Amanda {a good friend of mine who i met during soccer training week}. Sam came up and gave me a hug- i was mega surprised, but mega happy. I love hugs, and the more people who gives me hug- the more i love hugs
. Okies. So this is the random friend of mine whose name is Sam- but she isn't random like me, but she randomly became my friend. and so- it is nifty awesome. She is on fire for God, and she has an awesome smile and a great attitude toward things. The day i see her not smiling is the day i'll randomly make her smile.-- But i make her smile more than she usually is, mainly because i love to be random and do random things to make people randomly smile. Almost like she makes me smile with just a random doll that John and her found. Yes, a Random doll. Curtis i think we named it- can't remember- but i remember it was a cutie, but not as cute as John and Sam together. :)
Just randomly leaving you a comment:
See the monkeys fly through the circus windows and land on the dwarf who was eating a big icecream cone filled with dirt.
You are just about the most random girl I ever met :) maybe that is why I like you and miss you sooooooo much. I always tell John that when i graduate and become a millionair I will pay for you to come to and not have to touch a broom or think about work. :) I hope you know I am praying for you because I am. Keep beating the boys off. :) Love Sam
Aren't Sam and John the cutest couple? I think they are just perfect for each other. Yep, she's pretty much awesome, and he maybe, almost comes close to being able to deserve her. :)
Love you, Dayna May!
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